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British MPs not serious about Islamophobia

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Liverpool: Dr Leon Moosavi, a lecturer in Sociology at the University of Liverpool, took on MPs’ lack of seriousness regarding Islamophia, in an article published on the University of Liverpool website. In the article, he demonstrates his point by referring to the recent Early Day Motion attempt in the Parliament. MP Keith Vaz tabled an Early Day Motion (EDM) in Parliament suggesting that Islamophobia be recorded by police forces across Britain so that it can be better understood. However, until now, only 24 out of 650 MPs have signed the EDM for Islamophobia to be recorded by police forces. Dr Moosavi mentions that, 90 MPs have signed an EDM against turtle farming and 73 MPs have signed an EDM calling for elephant protection. The Islamophobia petition has only managed to receive as many MP signatures as a petition against dog attacks on postmen.