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Fitna’ Producer to Establish Islamic Political Party

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Madinah: A Dutchman who was involved in a derogatory film about Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) is aiming to establish the first Islamic political party in Europe.
” The party will focus on serving Islam and Muslims not only in the Netherlands, but Europe as a whole”, said Arnoud van Doorn, who was involved in the production of the controversial “Fitna”. Van Doorn had reverted to Islam about a year ago and performed Haj this year. He also performed Umrah in February.”The party will comprise a large number of Muslims as well as non-Muslims, who sympathize with Islam and Muslims,” he said.
Van Doorn regretted taking part in the film, which he said contained a lot of misleading and incorrect information about the Prophet. .However, he also denied producing or directing “Fitna”.”I only publicized and marketed the film while I was responsible for information and public relations in Geert Wilders’ political party (Dutch Party for Freedom), which produced the film,” he said.
Van Doorn said his new political party would project the virtues of Islam in Europe and elsewhere. He said: “I have taken a solemn pledge to work day and night in the service of Islam to atone for my previous sins. I hope that Allah will accept my repentance and forgive me.”Van Doorn said he will produce a film called “Muhammad: Master of Human Beings” in collaboration with the Canadian Dawa Society, which had invited him to perform Haj.”We will also produce a series of short stories based on the Prophet’s life story in five languages for distribution all over Europe,” he said.Van Doorn said he would also produce a film about Madinah’s history called “Madinah: The Light of Islam.”
Doorn said he is compiling a book about the things he had seen during Haj.”I will never forget the sight of a security man carrying an old woman pilgrim on his back and running with her all the way to the Jamarat bridge to stone the Satan,” he said. He said Haj provided him with an excellent opportunity to find out more about Islam and Muslims and that he intends to write a book about his experiences.”I have regretted my previous sins.”My entire life before Islam is complete emptiness and void.” Van Doorn said he has been explaining Islam to his mother, wife and three children and they have started to understand this religion.