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Being a People Pleaser is a Burden! Drop it, and Please God!

Soul Searching in Serene Srirangapatna!
The Discover Yourself Workshop was held in Nairobi on the 27 and 28th February 2016

The Discover Yourself Workshop was held in Durban and Cape Town, South Africa, in February 2014. Here, some of the participants share their experiences about the Workshop.


  • Very introspective.
  • The workshop is great and beneficial to anyone on this planet. It is the best workshop I have ever attended and I highly recommend this to everyone.
  • The Workshop helped me change myself, not the world.
  • I discovered who ‘I’ am and my purpose of life.
  • Worth attending and sharing with others, very radical thinking.
  • I wish every Muslim would attend.
  • It was a very enlightening experience, delivered straight from the heart.
  • This workshop opened my eyes and opened me up from the long slumber.
  • It really transformed me.
  • Everything make sense, it gives tools to live.
  • Every person should attend this workshop.
  • A workshop, that anybody who would like to make a change must attend.
  • It transformed me and I will not allow other people’s opinions affect me.
  • It made me aware to look at life from a different perspective.
  • It taught me that you can change if you want to, that you have the power to do so.
  • I am now able to distinguish between what is real and what is not.
  • This workshop transformed me from darkness to light.
  • The workshop was an amazing experience.
  • I did a lot of reflection and re-wiring, mind blowing and refreshing perspective.
  • It took away all the veils off my eyes.

BELINDO: Before the workshop, I would get angry very quickly and said all kinds of things without thinking. Now I have the knowledge to calm myself. A heavy burden was lifted off my shoulders on the last day; I forgave the man who took my father’s life. My life has become a lot calmer, calm enough so that I can now help other people with the knowledge I received. Thank you once again for the amazing workshop and for making a difference.
GADIJA: Before the workshop, I constantly bothered and worried what others have to say? My worries and fear was my working environment and my children. Now I have learned that what they say it’s not important and I focus on the ones I love. I took my power, “I have the power”. I learned that you will fall, you learn, you lose, you learn and you will always win if you learn from your failures. I focus more on the now and present, instead of me worrying about how my children will be when they are older. I focus on the now and put the trust on my Creator. I am amazed, I am at peace, I am content. Today I have experienced ‘Arafat’, I am connected to my Creator. Today is a new chapter in my life. The past is gone and I have learned from it, I have found the good within the bad. I am the best I can ‘BE’. I am a unique creation of Allah most high. Jazakallah Khair!
IQBAL: My life has always been stressful and heavy and a rush to see the day through. I had no directions, trying to make ends meet. As we are in this workshop, I am already feeling the hope and remedies for my problems ahead. I now feel that I have the tools to face the problems and depend on Almighty to assist me further.
MARIAM: Before the workshop, I found myself stuck at the bottom of a well. It was dark, cold, and lonely. I had questioned why this, and why did that happen to me, of all the people? I am now in a state of acceptance and admitting that where I am now, is not where I want to be. It is up to me, my intention and willingness to make the change, I want to be in this world. I am taking responsibility of my situation of being stuck in the well, using my hand, feet and courage to do everything in my power to get out of the well and back to reality where I can be true to myself.
NAEEM: I can see my family in a different light. I do not see them as objects any more. I see them as human beings with feelings and their own view of how they see me. I accept the fact that they are their own person and I accept the fact that I cannot change them. My approach to them has changed. I see clearer now and I respect who they are.
NAFEESA: After the first workshop, I started applying the tools. My whole life, I thought life is about finding myself, but I discovered here that life is about creating yourself. Walking out of the workshop, I found Allah, right in my heart. So peaceful, so contented and only love is all I am experiencing. My heart opened, my view of Allah’s creation changed. All I feel now is love, peace, and joy. Who am I? A slave of Allah.
FADILA: Before the workshop, I was operating on autopilot, was never present for anything. My mind was always on the buzz. I never took time out in any way. Now after the workshop, I have learned to be present in the now. To be alive and live, brought back the consciousness and awareness of everything and everyone, especially the consciousness of Allah- the fact that Allah has never forsaken me, but I have forsaken Allah, but not anymore now.
ANISA: I feel very positive about myself and feel stronger inside me to deal with my problems.
JUNAID: There was definitely no direction in my personal life or family life. We were living day to day with no goals or not knowing the evil we have done for the day. After the workshop, I have no opinions about anybody and this reduces quarrels with friends, family and business associates. Now I can count the evil that I have done for the day and ask Allah’s forgiveness and they are getting fewer and fewer.
AHMED: We learnt the basic life skills that one can practice in any situation. My spouse and I have promised to practice the values of the workshop.
NAZIA: At the workshop, I have learnt to understand my situation in a different light. It opened my communication with my family members. After the workshop, I found my behavior had no excuse and felt stupid for a moment. My children were happy for me. Never was a dull moment, very emotional and excellent.
AZRA: I attended the workshop two years ago. Being recently married, I am attending the workshop with my husband, after marriage, a lot has changed in my life in a few months, and I feel I have had to deal with so many changes. Being married, it is taking time for me to adjust to my new way of life. My husband is going through his own emotional and spiritual journey. I get frustrated as I feel he is taking too long, as I have to follow him. I want to help him and be there for him. Having attended again, has renewed my trust in Allah, has helped me remove doubts, cleared my mind of worry and fear.
FOUZIA: The workshop has helped me understand where I had been going wrong along my life and in my marriage. I will inshallah, to the best of my ability, implement whatever knowledge and skills I have learned in these energy packed two days. A must attend workshop for every person. May Allah reward you for your intention, efforts and sacrifice in helping others. May Allah grant you the best of this world, health and happiness.