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Discover Yourself Workshop

Secrets of Living a Better Life
Coming Out of Darkness to Light

An interesting approach to learning the concept of humanity and human psychology, in the light of Quran-Islam.

The Discover Yourself workshop was hosted by the Indian Institute of Islamic Studies at the conference hall, JIH Qtrs, New Delhi, on the 25, 26 and 27 August 2017.
Some of the Participants Share their Experiences

Ameer (Chief) of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, Maulana Syed Jalaluddin Umari (Right) with Dr. AWS Khan

  • The workshop is designed to teach people to love mankind. It has helped me to reflect on myself, organize myself and to bring me closer to Allah.
  • If I would not have attended this workshop, I would have never known who I am? Earlier I was in the box and now I am out of the box.
  • An interesting approach to learning t
  • he concept of humanity- Human psychology in the light of Quran-Islam.
  • This workshop made me understand that Islam itself is the real psychology and is complete.
  • I would never have known that I was living in a box of my opinions, regrets, judgments, and loads of past. It opened my closed eyes and gave me a new vision.
  • I was wearing glasses before the workshop and now everything is cleared. Best workshop and I would like to attend again. I started to see my world from a different perspective and started to accept the reality.
  • Life has not changed, everything is going on in the same way, but I am thinking about changing myself, my inner-self so that I can bring a change in the world.
  • It is interesting, captivating and really refreshing to the mind. Now, I realized that I should own up responsibility and keep my word.
  • I feel some burden has slipped from my shoulders and happiness has entered my heart. I feel that family members are more loveable as compared to, before the workshop.
  • I was serious and now I am relaxed and happy. I could find out the Absolute Truth; the path of submission; the approach of consequences and not of justification, Alhamdulillah.
  • I have learned to become more ‘observant’ to accept things as they are and submit myself to Allah. This experience is helping me in handling my pressure at home as well as the office.
  • All the topics opened my mind and perspective completely.
  • I found a master key for Taqwa. I learned that purifying my inner-self is purifying my outside.
  • Earlier I was judgmental and now I have stopped judging people. It is interesting, useful and should be held everywhere in the world.
  • This workshop helped us to come out of loss, in the light of Quran and hadith. It helped me in getting peace. I learnt to have a good relationship with my parents and friends.
  • Life-changing experiences which released all the baggage of the past, I forgave everyone and felt light as a free bird.

SALIM: MY life was ‘My way and not Allah’s way’. This workshop has changed ‘My way’ to ‘Allah’s way’. I have never attended before, such a wonderful workshop. You are doing a wonderful job, please continue doing, Allah will help you. I discovered myself who I am? My family members were shocked to see the changes in my life.
WAJIHA: Before the workshop, I wanted everyone to live according to my way, but now I realized that everyone must live according to Allah’s way. This workshop gave me the power to forgive my friend. This was a very emotional moment for me, and I was literally crying.

NOUMAN: It gave me the tools to fight the Satan. I had known about life, but the problem is that I did not have any tool to correct myself or to see Haq and Batil (Truth and Falsehood). After the workshop, life became easy and enjoyable. My family members see the changes in me. I feel that the veils are taken off and I can see clearly. Now, I am in that position to distinguish between Haq and Batil and accept reality.

FURQAN: On the first day when Sir, said ‘ A new man will walk out on the last day from here, I thought he was joking.’ But now I can realize that how it has changed me and my thoughts. It helped me understand who I am and what are the basic principles of life? It was awesome.

NASIR: Sir, I was very confused regarding the heart, mind, body, logic- reasoning, and wisdom etc. But after attending this workshop, almost everything is clear. You are doing excellent work and this message should reach everyone.

MEHRUNISA: Before the workshop, my life was spent on knowing the religion, but I did not know myself. Now, after the workshop, I came to know who am I ? Alhamdulillah, many changes I could notice, and will never listen to the instincts of my waswas. This workshop should be held in schools and colleges so that the younger generations learn a way of life of forgiveness and bring in changes.

LUBNA: Before the workshop, my mind was diverted between the past and the future, life was full of tension. But, after the workshop, I feel relief, living in the present, I feel life is beautiful. My family members are very happy. This workshop has changed my personality holistically.

FIZA: Before the workshop, I thought that I am right and others are responsible for the adverse circumstances in my family. Now, after the workshop, I have changed my opinion towards others. I felt that sometimes I am also responsible for the adverse situations. I should not impose my views on others without taking their suggestions. If I would not have attended the workshop I would have missed out many valuable things about life.

SIFWA: Life before the workshop: I was caught up in a web of confusion in making decisions. Life after the workshop: No more fear of being wrong or right; I feel like having attained stability of mind and clarity of thought. If I would have missed this workshop, it would have been a great loss in my life. I wish my entire family was part of this workshop. It is an excellent start to be able to see the reality and to bring oneself back to the real world.

TUBA: Being the only child of my parents, I was a very frustrated and short-tempered girl. I always thought that my parents are over possessive about me and they do not trust me. But after the workshop, I found myself very relaxed and light. I feel all my burden has fallen and I feel free. It is an amazing, valuable and satisfactory workshop.