HomeLife and Relationship

Discover Yourself – Reach Out – 24 x7 Helpline

Harmony of Hearts in Hyderabad! – Changing From a Human Being to Being Human!
Discover Yourself – Workshop
Gaining Confidence in Goa!

Each day unfolds new things for us. Sometimes it s bouquets, sometimes brickbats! People can put us up on a pedestal praising us or pull us down with criticism and negative remarks. Difficult people may want to control us, dominate over us, try to tell us how to lead our lives according to their terms!
Families, friends, strangers, colleagues, situations, events, accidents and traumas may shock or shake us! There may be times when we feel the earth should open up and we just want to disappear! We feel we cannot handle life anymore!
That’s not the end of the world. God brought us into this world with a purpose for us and His purpose will never be wrong. But during times of our crisis, we may lose our calmness to even think that there is God with us at all times, even during difficult times! There will be times when we feel like sharing our story, our issues, our troubles with someone who will just listen to us without judging! We may just want to grab the phone and pour out our thoughts and troubles to someone who will listen to us!
Reaching out to others in times of need is a service to God! The world today is starved of peace and love. In the short time we have, if we reach out to someone in need and positively make a difference in their lives, won’t it be great!
“Discover Yourself” hopes to reach out to people through 24 x 7 Helpline on phone and email and through one to one counseling. We will be glad to train committed individuals to be part of our Helpline. This would include many skills and also some tips about spiritual counseling.
A two day counseling skills workshop “‹is being planned in Bangalore, date and venue will be announced.
Those interested may register with full particulars through email: [email protected]. Ph: “‹ +919845158996