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The Workshop is Oxygen for Life!

I Got the Distinction between Admi aur Insan
Connecting to the Inner Self and to Allah
Transformative Reflections from the 500th Discover Yourself Workshop held in Hyderabad at Zimris Banquet Hall on the 5-6th October 2024

The Discover Yourself Workshop was held on 12, 13 & 14 February 2021 in Osmanabad, Maharashtra. The workshop was organized by Awareness Group, Osmanabad.

Some of the Participants Share their Experiences
• Inspiring three days of my life. Now I realized that I had deviated and am back on the straight path.
• This workshop helped me to accept my mistakes and I I received the ability to distinguish truth from falsehood.
• Excellent workshop. The way of presentation is very good—I do not have the words to explain!
• Great workshop, I totally enjoyed and learnt a lot, in a comfortable environment.
• It helped me a lot. Now I am so peaceful and relaxed. Now, I can truly and honestly say, “I am happy”. No questions are there in my mind.
• I realized from the workshop how we are stuck either in the past or in the future and never are in the present. This shift to the present is the shift that we must make.
• It was exceptionally good, and from now onwards, I will keep my word.
• It was unique and beautiful. It helps in handling any situation and assists us in the path of Jannah.
• Before the workshop, my behavior was awfully bad with others. After the workshop, I realized that I was wrong. Opinion is just an opinion, and not a reality. I will keep my word and give up my ego from now.
• The workshop is essential to become a human being, living life peacefully, happily and serving others.
• The workshop is oxygen for life. Everyone should introspect rather than retrospect.
• It helped me to discover myself, be patient and give up negativity.
• The workshop is the best mind-changer.
• It was motivational, and I felt a slight change in me. I am hoping to use these therapies for better results.
• It was an impactful workshop. The love and bonding between members of my family has increased.

SAMEENA: I am so happy because I learnt many things in this workshop. The environment was friendly. I learnt how to face problems in life and to control stress. I am feeling so good because I removed all the evil from my mind. Thank you, Sir, for such profound knowledge.
FAUZIYA: This workshop has been very inspiring, and I am really happy to have been able to be a part of this journey. The workshop is remarkably interesting, with brilliant results. The style and the knowledge of the presenter were totally amazing. The techniques healed and helped me to get over some of my emotional and physical pains, and I am giving up my ego, anger, and selfish attitude. The workshop was highly informative and I really enjoyed the three valuable days. Thank you, sir.
SANA: Allah is the reason I smile even in pain. Sadath Sir, you gave me the power. ‘I am happy’. All problems, all questions and all worries disappeared and I got the answers for all my questions and I feel relaxed. My family saw the change in me, and they are all happy. On the second day of the workshop, they all came with me. I am so happy, and I have a lot of peace. Allah is with me.
RAHAT: My life before the workshop was boring and complicated. I was always finding fault with others. After attending the workshop, I changed myself. I am feeling good, and my focus now is on the present and not on the past or being anxious about the future.
SAYYAD: The workshop helped me to learn values and morals and to know my strengths and abilities. Many professional as well as personal things changed after attending this workshop. I am giving up my stress and anxiety. I will not allow other’s opinions to affect me.
YASMEEN: Our entire family attended the workshop, and all are feeling very satisfied. We now know how to live with Islamic principles. We must live in the present, not in the past, nor in the future. We need to adopt acceptance and gratitude as a way of life. The workshop has changed the way I think of myself and the world. The concept of ‘Haq’ made me realize this. I will keep my word. I will help every human being.
NOUSHEEN: The workshop was really good and worth attending. I was a bit stubborn, trapped in my own imagination/illusion, but now I can see the bigger picture more clearly and enjoy life to the fullest. When you keep Allah inside your heart, it is really amazing. My view towards life and the way I should see the world has changed. No worries about the future, nor grief or regrets about the past. Focus on the present and enjoy life to the fullest. I am committed to serving humanity by becoming an IAS officer, God willing!