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Finding the Key to Happiness in Kuwait!

Practise the Tools
Priceless Transformation: A Journey of Spiritual Awakening and Renewal

The Discover Yourself Workshop was held in Kuwait on 15,16 and 17 May, 2014. It was organised by the Hyderabad Muslim Association, along with FIMA. Held at the Grand Mosque Auditorium, Kuwait, the participants experienced a fresh new beginning to their lives, and share their thoughts here.

  • A life solution gained in two days.
  • It helped me to change my life.
  • I am very grateful and happy to attend the workshop. It helped me to understand life and my inner self.
  • These two days, I will never forget and whoever has not attended it, I feel sorry for them, Every Muslim should attend it.
  • For the first time, I am feeling relaxed.
  • Discover Yourself Workshop is the key to love Allah and the Prophet (Pbuh).
  • Inspiring and restoring the belief in Islamic Principles.
  • Allah has created an opportunity through you for us to change our life.
  • It really helped me to let go of, my anger.
  • Thanks a lot for bringing change in me.
  • It is the best combination of Islamic moral values with modernity.
  • An excellent workshop for people of every age and religion.
  • It showed me the reality. What was I? Who I should be? Very good workshop.

KUWAITI SISTER: Alhamdulillah to Allah for giving me the opportunity to be in the workshop. It was really beneficial for me, I really did not know so many things. Now I am realizing how ignorant I was. What on Earth, I have been doing all this time ? Spending my time in nothing! May Allah make it possible to have more workshops where we can learn more and more. I feel happy for having participated in the workshop and I am trying to implement what I learnt. At the same time, that I am happy, I am also sad because I realize that all those years flew by and I did nothing , just living in the Batil (False) World. May Allah help me to migrate to the Haqq (Truth- Reality), and also my own family, and all the human beings of the world.
SAFA: My life is going through turbulence and despite following the Sunnah way, I felt something is being missed. I was making dua to find the missing link. In the workshop, I found the missing link.
AYESHA: I was leading a life holding people, judging them with my interpretations to be precise, in a life of ‘Batil’ (falsehood). This workshop showed me a mirror of myself. It transformed me in all directions. I have accepted life as is- just beautiful and truly depends on ‘discovering yourself’.
AZRA: I feel really light; ill feelings that I was holding on to are dropping and I feel relieved. I realized that by not letting go, I was only burdening myself.
MEHNAZ: Before the workshop, I was complaining about my parents, husband and my children, now I am content Alhamdulillah. I am now ready to hug each and everyone in my family, I love my husband whom I usually had an ego about, he is a wonder in my life. Now I have no ill feelings. Your workshop was marvellous, it allowed me to migrate from falsehood to truth. “I Discovered Myself.” May Allah bless you, Jazakallah Khair!
MUBIN: It is a huge change after the workshop, Alhamdulillah. Before the workshop, our mind was blocked and heart was dead. Now our hearts are clear and happy after the workshop. My thanks, to Allah, to you and to the organizers.