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6th DYS Leadership Training Workshop – Lessons Learned
Coming Out of Our Shells in South Africa
Our Ego is Our Own Enemy

The Discover Yourself Workshop was organised by the Islamic and Religious Guidance Department, Government of Dubai on November 22, 23 and 24, 2012. Some of the participants share their experiences after the Workshop. Over 200 participants attended the workshop.

* It was a good reminder for me to keep myself on the path of Allah. It opened my eyes.
* I understood Islam in a more practical way and implemented it as a way of life instead of just treating it as a religion.
* It helped me to control my ego, anger, and has shown me the way to live in reality than in illusion.
* A good effort to strengthen the Muslim Ummah.
* It was really, really useful and a turning point of my life.
* It helped me discover myself in an Islamic way.
* I am very grateful as through the workshop, I came out from my past.
* It opened our eyes and mind to identify our enemy and showed us how to win.
* The workshop was useful in many ways, it showed me the human nature and it taught me how to live as a Muslim.
* Mashallah, something which is the need at this moment.
* The workshop helped me to look for answers within.
* The workshop helped me in distinguishing the difference between Allah’s way and my way.
* It helped me improve my relationship with my Creator and creations.
* The workshop helped me to understand my weakness and to identify my inner self.
* Finally I have admitted that my ego is in control of me and my life.
* Very interesting and an excellent workshop for the first time.
* I enjoyed the workshop and at the same time learnt many things.
* The workshop helped in forming the right perspective of life in terms of Islam.

ALI: Subhanallah, the workshop was very beneficial to me. It helped me to connect to Almighty Allah. I can feel the inner peace. I am a new born baby with a strong shield to fight my inner self led by ‘Iblis’. I realised the ‘big’ or ‘giant Iblis’ was me ‘My ego’ and I used to keep on blaming other innocent creatures for all my problems. My whole life changed completely.

NADEEM: Life changing literally!! The inner voice was always chattering- blaming life, luck, society, myself, and environment for all my failures. I realised that my pride was responsible for the situations I created and got stuck in it. Now I have realised the tools are also within me to help me untie the complex knots I have got tripped in! I thank the organisers and Mr Khan for their efforts and sincerity to help others. Jazakallah!

AMINA: Alhamdulillah, I have been attending Islamic courses from a young age, during my teenage years, I was guided to follow the Quran and Sunnah based on that I decided to take up my bachelors in Sharia and Islamic Studies. Even though I gathered a lot of information, it was very difficult for me to implement it because of my ego. I got married and I found my husband was not very religious which really disheartened me. I being short tempered, snapped at every action of his. He being a patient man, Alhamdulillah has changed a lot after knowing the truth. For the past two days, I am able to control my ‘Qareen’ the chatter box inside me, which has completely changed the way I behave or respond to my family and my surroundings. Jazakallah Khair!

JUWAIRIA: Alhamdulillah, this workshop opened my mind. Also it is the answer to all my questions. This workshop helped me to apply what I had learned. This workshop is practically helping us to distinguish the right path of Allah. It is like ‘knowledge in action’ rather than passive praying and reading the Quran.
MUKHTAR: The workshop brought me to the ground realities. I have attended many Islamic lectures and seminars, but this workshop brushed my basic human skills and opened my eyes. Br Sadathullah is awesome! Subhanallah.

AFRA: It was really interesting and got to know “who am I really”. It pointed out where my fault was and how to overcome it. How to get rid of the negativity in me. My family also got interested in listening to my experience and it created a good and happy atmosphere at home Alhamdulillah.

SHAHEEN: I am always right and this was my attitude. Now, after the workshop I understood how deeply I hurt my own family members. Now, from day one I controlled my tongue, and I promised myself to be conscious of my actions saying ‘Allah is watching me’. The massages given by the person sitting next to me made strangers into good friends. My attitude changed, now I have submitted and will be true to myself. I feel strong and responsible that I can change the world by being good. I loved the hugging exercise which made me close to my parents and relatives. Everything was excellent and I feel blessed that I attended this workshop.

ANSER: I can feel a positive attitude to take my life forward. I have attended many personality development workshops and this workshop with an Islamic perspective has given me a better understanding of the concepts.

ANJUM: There is a big change in me. I am more close to my husband, my parents and my family members.