HomeLife and Relationship

Lessons on Kindness in Kadapa

Re-Inventing Yourself in the Kingdom of Dates and Deserts !
The Art of Accepting Reality
“For Those Lost in Life! The Workshop is the Leading Light!

The two-day Discover Yourself Workshop was held on 19th and 20thJanuary 2013, at Hazrath Ayesha (RA) Model High School for girls at Kadapa in Andhra Pradesh.
It would be desirable if Mr.Khan starts a training institution to impart his techniques to hundreds of Muslim youth (who could in turn become good coaches in due course) to transform the Muslim community to a path of righteousness

By Syed Sultan Mohiddin

Located in the midst of a cluster of slums, the school is a beacon of hope to hundreds of Muslim girls in Kadapa. A majority of the students are from the lower-middle income group. With English as the medium of instruction, this institution is imparting modern education with a mix of Islamic studies since the year 1993. The story behind the founding of the school is nothing short of a fairy tale. It is a unique example as to how an adversity was brilliantly converted into an opportunity. Soon after the demolition of Babri Masjid on December 6, 1992, there was a trivial communal tension in Kadapa, which resulted in police firing. About a dozen Muslims received bullet injuries. Some philanthropists raised money to help the victims. It so happened that a small amount was left unutilized after meeting the medical needs of the injured. The community leaders handed over the money (about Rs.30,000/-) to a group of educated Muslim youth and asked them to spend it as they thought it fit. The youth formed into an NGO and started a small school under a temporary roof with only 30 students of LKG. Thanks to the sheer commitment and enduring dedication of the Muslim NGO for two decades, as one can see now, the school has transformed into a massive building located in one acre of prime land. Of the 750 students (all girls) on roll, as many as 200 students would get free education as per the guiding principles of the school.
Sadathullah Khan took the pains to travel from Bangalore to Kadapa in his car, driving himself . It was about 10 pm in the night when he arrived. The fatigue of 6 hours of non-stop journey notwithstanding, the first thing Mr Khan insisted was to have a look of the venue. “Let me see the arrangements now itself, as we must begin the workshop on time tomorrow morning”, he said. He delayed his supper to for over an hour, till he was himself satisfied that everything is in place.
The next two days, every moment of the workshop was filled with joy and ecstasy for over 150 girls of Hazrath Ayesha (RA) Model High school who are studying in 8th, 9thand 10th classes. The mesmerizing effects of the coach’s techniques should be seen to be believed. One could see the unbelievable change at the beginning of the second day session. The students who were hitherto shy and mediocre and those who never dared to speak were seen grabbing the mike to express their views before a large audience, as how they felt lighthearted when they “interviewed” their fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and their relatives.
The techniques adapted by Sadathullah Khan to teach the students are matchless. It is most unfortunate that Muslim masses often view Islam through the prism of Namaz, Roza, Haj and Zakat only, and fail to look beyond these “fundamental” tenets. The precepts like loving fellow human beings, forgiveness, controlling anger, frustration etc., are very much embedded in the Quran and Sunnah. By putting modern technology into use and by presenting Islamic tenets with a tinge of modernity in an easily understandable manner, at the grass root level, Mr. Khan is doing remarkable service.

NOORJAHAN: Before attending the workshop, I was in darkness. Now I understand the purpose of life and know the ability to practice patience. It is the best gift Allah has given me till date. I always heard Islam is a way of life, but did not exactly know how. The workshop made me understand Islam better. It helped me to improve the quality of my life.
TASLEEMA KHANUM: I have learnt from this workshop, how to overcome wrong thoughts and how to behave with my mother, friends, relatives, teachers, elders and others. I learnt the simple technique to control anger. I have also overcome stage fear from this workshop.
AYESHA PARVEEN: I always feared to talk with my father freely. But after I attended this workshop, I talked with my father freely for about 2 hours. I felt very happy when I talked with my father. I had stage fear also. But the stage fear has gone.
ALIYA MUBEEN: I have attended the Discover Yourself workshop. It was so excellent. This is the best way to create awareness about Islam. Before the workshop, I was just a Muslim. After attending it, I became a true Muslim.
ABIDUNNISA: This workshop changed my whole life. I knew my responsibilities and got the confidence and courage to face the obstacles. Nothing is impossible in our life. I also learnt that by helping poor people, how much peace, satisfaction we get in our life.
TABASSUM: The workshop inspired me a lot. It made me realize the reason for anger and how to disconnect with Satan. Such workshops must be conducted in all the institutions to inspire the students to do good things.
MUBASHIRA: Before attending the workshop, I was depressed. Now, I came to know that my present moment holds the key to liberation. Now I have started my new life in a peaceful manner. I learnt that my past and future are not that important. I have to find the present moment in life.
FATHIMA: Before the workshop, I used to be angry with my sister and brother. After attending the workshop, I have taken control of my temper, anger and became Allah-conscious. My relationship with my relatives improved with lots of love, peace and good understanding.
TAHASEEN: After attending the workshop, I came to know that there is negativity inside me. I have learnt how to control my ego, fear and anger. It is a golden opportunity to have attended this workshop and no one should miss this.
NIDA ZAREEN: I was very angry with my mother before I attended the workshop because of some reasons. I felt that I had done wrong with my mother. After this workshop, I went and said sorry to my mother