HomeLife and Relationship

Let Satan Out of Your Lives

“For Those Lost in Life! The Workshop is the Leading Light!
Participant Reflections: Discover Yourself Workshop in Jubail
Soul Searching in Srirangapatna

The Discover Yourself Workshop was held in Stanger, South Africa at  Zakariyya Muslim School on 23, 24 and 25 March, 2012.

MARIAM: I had attended last year with my daughters and I wanted my husband, who was completely against it, to attend. I told him that I would like to give him a gift. Alhamdulillah he accepted, now that I have four members of my family who have attended, we can help each other on the right path, Alhamdulillah! Both my daughters and I have benefitted tremendously. The presentation and explanations are excellent. I can only attribute  to Allah the Almighty to bring you to our little town to benefit the fortunate ones. Your sincerity in your knowledge has profound power. It’s Miracle! It’s Divine! You share with such passion that every one’s heart is touched. I am hoping that the rest of my family attended your next workshop. But I am also worried who will continue this noble work  after you have left this world. May Allah give you a very long life and good health. Ameen!

ZAHERA: I have attended many work related workshops. It was an awesome experience to attend this first Islamic workshop. I enjoyed the humor and demonstrations. I  believed that the things I did in my life was correct, but after this workshop I realized how wrong I was and how it impacted on other people’s lives. I thank Allah for giving me the chance to realize my faults. I know now that I am responsible for my own happiness. I want everyone  I know to attend this workshop and to experience the same feelings I have.

AYOB: My life before the workshop was complicated. My mood always was to criticize people. After the workshop I could see and feel my whole life changing.

AYESHA: This workshop is bringing in me slow, but remarkable changes. . I am learning to discover myself and not others. I feel light and free to  worship my Lord in peace and happiness.

HALIMA: I have benefitted and so has my family. I feel a different me. I feel light free and peaceful. I see life and people differently. I have dropped my baggages which I could not have done before. I have accepted people as they are. I am grateful  to Allah and to the organizers of the workshop. I am happy to let Satan out of my life.

FAZEELA: I have now become more aware of my inner self. Realized how my behavior, thoughts and actions impact on my life and happiness. The workshop was thought provoking, enjoyable, enlightening and also fun. I am feeling happier, lighter and sure about what I want in life. Before I felt alone and insecure, ignorant of all the good inside me. Now I know what I have to do as mother, wife, daughter in law and sister and sister in law.