HomeLife and Relationship

Nothing is Everything

Brilliant, Eye-opening, Enlightening Experience. A Need of the Hour for All
Very Powerful Paradigm Shift

Durban, South Africa on 19, 20 and 21 March 2012


I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for this life changing workshop at the end of this second day (20 March 12, Durban). I must add that my attendance has come at the perfect time in my life and it already has a profound effect on my thinking and
outlook on life. May Allah reward you and Mr. Abdul Rahman Ghani abundantly for your efforts that are obviously driven by
love and concern for us all and the Ummah as a whole. While I may have been mostly quiet and non verbal through these two days, it
has allowed me to absorb the core of what you deliver. It has and will allow me to, not just be conscious of the limitations that we foster, but to tirelessly continue to shatter the barriers that hold me back from achieving the best of my life. This will undoubtedly have a profound positive effect on my family too and I whole heartedly thank you for exposing me to such.  Apart from feeling the effects of this realization for myself, it is my wish to follow in your footsteps by also finding ways to play a small part in contributing to bringing your message to people back home. Please advise me on how this could be possible in a small town where people
would not be able to make the effort to travel to the cities. Will it be possible for you to commit some of your time, even if its one day, to deliver a talk or a condensed version that may be sufficient enough to spark people’s awareness of the necessity of changing
outlooks for the sake of Allah and of course for themselves too. Although I look forward to another day to go with you,
I already feel like: “I’ve been transformed from understanding nothing to understanding that nothing is everything!!
Shukran for every effort you have made to be here. Thanking You,

Hamid Khan, Durban