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Secrets of Living a Better Life

Learning the Art of Empowerment
My Neighbor’s Garbage

The Discover Yourself Workshop was held in St Louis, Chicago and Dallas in June 2013.
Here some of the participants share their experiences after the Workshop.

* I felt completely at peace after ages. I realized how much my family loves me.
* It showed me the truth.
* It is a transforming experience.
* Exceptional and may Allah accept it from you.
* Practical workshop that opened my eyes and heart to some hidden realities.
* It has empowered me and made me feel whole again.
* It made me realize the root cause of my anguish.
* I learnt the secret of living a better life.
* It is very useful and I came to know the reality.
* I found it useful and many people will surely benefit if they participate.
* I needed concentration in my Salah, which I got by attending this workshop,
* Everyone should attend this workshop.
* This is a life changing workshop which can make us understand what it means to be a Muslim.
* Motivational, self-realization, overall, it is a wonderful experience.
* It made me aware of my actions and consequences.
* It helped me to make reality based decisions and responses.
* I asked Allah and He gave me, I can now calm down quickly and I can catch myself before I scream.
* I feel peaceful now. Before the workshop, I used to be always angry at everyone. Now I am more peaceful than I ever was.
* The workshop is very well structured and useful.
* It helped me to become a better Muslim. I enjoyed the presentation.
* It was eye-opening and explanation was very good.
* I can now view Islam in a more clear way.
* It is very practical and gives you a different perspective on life.

F.S: My patience for the people in my life was running quite thin. Literally my thoughts were that no one is happy, no one would be happy. I saw that people chased religion to the minute details and were not satisfied. I began to think these two things, happiness and Islam, did not co-exist. I did not think I would be able to achieve them together. Today after attending this workshop I have some new hope. I will commit myself to being aware and live in the present. The biggest part for me will be taking responsibility for my own choices.
H.N: Before the workshop, I always lived in the world of right and wrong and always thought I was right. I also thought that others need to change. I lacked the spirituality of Allah. This information was completely different and the perspective of Islam that is the most important. Now I am committed to awareness and shifting myself for Allah. By changing myself I will change others. My view of life is changed. I along with others would have paid hundreds of dollars for such an event. Thank you for sharing your passion, Allah will reward you. Inshallah.
B.A: Before the workshop, I was angry, frustrated, and ungrateful through actions and words. Somewhat had lost hope to have a happy life. I have attended many seminars and halqah and retreats. I cannot thank Allah enough that He made it possible for me to attend this workshop. Now I am viewing my life, husband, and my children differently. On the first day you said if I “attend” all three days, success is guaranteed. So I decided not to miss any session and Allah helped me, as I needed it. Jazakallah Khair to sir. It is very well designed.
R.J: I used to get frustrated. Little things used to bother me. After applying the principles learnt in the workshop, I seem to be calm and much more accepting of life events happening around me. Alhamdulillah!
H.N: Before I was controlling, had a serious need for perfection and I felt if I am not always in control, that things will fall apart. Now I I learnt that I do not need to be in control, if I am conscious that things will fall into place. I also learnt that perfection does not equal to good life. It was amazing!
F.S: It opened my eyes and taught me the tools to know myself and work on my problems and see everything as they are and not judge them. I feel much better and I am not blaming my problems on others and also I am already trying not to impose my opinions on others and on myself.