Showing Light in the Darkness Bringing Clarity Amidst Confusion!!!!

HomeLife and Relationship

Showing Light in the Darkness Bringing Clarity Amidst Confusion!!!!

Clearing Cobwebs
Ten Magical Days! Bonding like a Family!
Kindling Hope in Kashmir

The Discover Yourself Leadership Workshop- 7th was held at the Pyramid Valley, in a green and scenic environment in the outskirts of Bangalore. Braving the Pandemic fear, determined and committed participants from across India were the lucky ones who arrived to spend ten days together as a family from December 25, 2021, to January 4, 2022!
They all learned, unlearnt, shared, cared, laughed, and unburdened their worries and anxieties. Anchored and organized by the charismatic spiritual coach Sadathullah Khan, the participants experienced new spiritual energy that will help them become future leaders!

Here the participants share and speak their hearts out about the Workshop experience!

You Are a Real Leader
We sat – you stood
We slept – you stayed up
We were late – you were on time
We were impatient – you were patient
We took – you gave
We had no clarity – you gave us clarity
We couldn’t see – you showed
Many concepts got cleared in this workshop. I always have a choice to let my mechanical thinking operate me or let my heart lead me. The workshop has also forced me to realize the extent of work I need to do for my community and world at large.
Moqheeta Mehboob

The workshop was much needed for me. This helped me review and revise my learning from the past workshops and gave me new distinctions- especially about the incompletions, forgiveness, self-deception, Inside out life, three faculties, Nafs and Ruh, equality, and many more. An amazing learning experience.
Ainain Shahidi

I am very grateful to Allah for sending me to the DYS- ten-day workshop. They were like the best days of my life. I am going with much clarity in distinction, and I promise to live my life with these distinctions.
Sadath Sir’s generosity and Love was flowing, and I could feel that his teachings were priceless. I pray to Allah that He blesses him with health and happiness and all his dreams come true. May Allah accept all his efforts and reward him in Akkirah Ameen.

Alhamdulillah, I am blessed to have Sadath sir in my life; he is genuinely a ‘messiah.’ Transformed and gave a better version of me. His teachings are worth showing us the right path and the real world where everything is transparent. May Allah bless him with lots of success. Happiness and good health Ameen.
Thank you so much, Sadath Sir, just no words how he changed the world. Amazing personality I ever met.
Razia Sultana

Wisdom in this world leads to Paradise.
Allah grants Wisdom to those who He loves.
May Allah grant Sadath Sir and all of us Wisdom and lead us to Paradise. Ameen
Imran Basheer

May Allah accept all Sadath sir’s selfless service and inspire the current generation to follow his path. Indeed he is an excellent example for youth to follow. Young with a lot of inspiration and with a lot of Love.
Humane Humair

I have been an ardent follower of the concepts of DYS Workshops. The positive energy and the aura Sadath sir carries is contagious. He has helped me fill my inner self with reality, accountability, realization, gratitude, generosity and made me detach from opinion, self-deception, judgments, and interpretations. The pathway to shift from mind to heart seemed impossible, but he realized that it was just our perception. With deep gratitude, I wholeheartedly thank Sadath Sir for transforming me from a playful Pyman to a powerful Pyman.
Pyman Jamal

We are incredibly grateful to Allah for sending Sadath Sir into our lives and transforming us into fearless and courageous butterflies,
We are ready to play the game of life.
Come on! Yours’s Faithfully Youthful Leaders.
Alina, Ayesha, Alaisa, Ridha & Yusra!!

When I thought that the essence of Islam had been lost and REAL human beings are hard to find, I found Sadath sir. His expertise is unmatchable. As a trainer in Islamic psychology, I have attended international workshops by several coaches, and his concepts and precision are the most accurate.
Thank you for being a light in the darkness and showing clarity amidst the confusion
S. Noorian.

I am grateful to Allah for guiding me to DYS. I have been yearning for such a space, and Allah answered my prayers, Alhamdulillah!
I go away with lots of clarity, change of perspective, knowledge of context, reframing my statements, and many more.
But more than anything, I am touched by Sadath sir’s generosity. He shared his learning, knowledge, kind heart unconditionally. His genuine concern for us is evident and inspiring.
May Allah bless him with Health and Happiness! May Allah bless him with Jannatul Firdouse. Ameen

May Allah give Sadath Sir a long healthy life. His concept of teaching, or we can say giving dawah, is excellent. Alhamdullilah, after attending his DYS-TT, I have come to know that not only Satan traps us, but we also provide a chance to him by disconnecting with Allah. I enter into a Batil life due to self-deception, denial, and not accepting the truth. The two main things I have adopted – Never give up and Accept the Reality
Hamid Junaid

I am so grateful to Sadath Sir for showing us and helping us understand the meaning of choice. Alhamdulillah, I am content, and I am leaving this DYS TT 2021-22 with a lot of clarity, learning, and a huge responsibility to spread this learning to others, especially with the coming generation.

Alhamdulillah. I am at a loss to explain Sadath sir’s selfless and genuine approach towards each one of us. I just pray to Allah that May He accepts all his efforts and bestow the best to him and his progeny in both the worlds. Ameen. With loads of Love and gratitude

It was indeed a great experience in the last ten days. Many blind spots came into realization. There are many tools and tips for seeking Allah’s way of action. May Allah bless Sadath Sir with good health and long life
Mohammed Rafiq

Jazakkumullahu Khairra for this workshop. May Allah swt accept all of our efforts.
Atif Hussain Yusuf.

“If you love Allah, He puts His love in the Hearts of people and grants wisdom.” The same is with you, Sadath Sir. We all Love You.

My father taught me how to walk when I was a year old. I was walking alone for half my life with the lesson he taught me at that early age. But I stumbled and fell, fell deep inside a tunnel there was light no were to be seen. I was searching for this light when you came into my life. You showed me that light and held my hand. You helped me climb the deep tunnel and come out of the hole. You showed me how to walk, and the moment I learned to walk, there was no looking back. You hold a father figure in my life, and I respect you for the beautiful way you held my hand. I can’t thank you enough, Sir. Respect and Love
Yasmin Mehtab