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Spiritual Upliftment in Melbourne and Sydney!

Coming Out of Our Shells in South Africa
Knowledge in Action

The Discover Yourself workshop was hosted by Mercy Mission Madinah in Melbourne on the 23 and 24th November, 2019 and in Sydney, it was hosted by the Islamic Forum for Australian Muslims (IFAM) on 30 and 1 December 2019.

Some of the Participants share their Experiences:
“¢ It was a great experience and it helped me a lot.
“¢ It was a life-changing experience and I gained absolutely valuable techniques to deal with life.
“¢ It opened my mind. It was a great experience and I think a lot of it was very interesting.
“¢ The workshop made a great difference in my thinking and I discovered my weaknesses.
“¢ Thanks, that was a great experience and very useful. Now, I know how to connect to Allah.
“¢ It helped in improving my internal state of mind and helped me become a better Muslim.
“¢ It was beneficial as it helped fix issues in our daily lives.
“¢ It was fun and helpful, and it was informative. I am giving up blaming and proving others wrong.
“¢ An Academic approach based on theology (a good blend of both).
“¢ This workshop helped me look at the world and real-life situations from different perspectives. Interesting with a lot of new information.
“¢ The presentation from an Islamic perspective helped me deal with my conflict. It was interactive and practical.
“¢ Gives a good insight of who am I? I will see everyone as a human being.
“¢ The best workshop I have ever attended. Spiritual upliftment to connect to live by purpose and be a blessing to humanity.
“¢ Excellent. It made me aware of the reality, acceptance and to forgive.
“¢ Everyone was feeling excited to change her or his behavior. Very motivational. Must have a separate workshop for teenagers.
“¢ It is very useful for life and very empowering to live life.
“¢ Self-realization. This workshop is ‘Allah’s Blessing’ and I am blessed to know Dr. Sadath Khan.
“¢ The most important thing was realizing the Whisperer and getting away from it. It motivated me to see things differently”¦. that is from Haq and Batil perspective. It is enlightening, liberating and helpful.
“¢ I feel light after letting go of the baggage. It is liberating from the past.
“¢ Before the workshop, I had some things being applied in my life before, and more are added and explained now through practical and logical experiences.
“¢ It is outstanding and life changing.
“¢ I have learnt the importance of forgiveness. Second day was most relevant to make a change.
IMRAN: It helped me with a better understanding of myself. I got the ability to deal with life in a much peaceful and successful way. I am trying to purify my heart and actions to please Allah. Many times, it happens through facing my weaknesses. In this workshop, I learned that (submission) helps me even to reduce my fighting with myself. I learned to bring the mind back to the right place. I am grateful for your sincere efforts to give us the ability and light, to go to Allah with a peaceful heart and a better human being.
URWAH: My life has changed after the workshop as I look at the world differently now. It was a very meaningful experience as I got a variety of information that I could apply in my practical life. I now look at the situations presented to me by my family members from a perspective that I did not, before. This workshop benefitted me as it allowed me to take control of my mind, body, and heart.
FATIMA: Before the workshop, I would be quick to judge and create opinions about others and I would be living in my own world. This workshop has helped me to accept situations and learn to find solutions rather than reasons and answers. I learned how to live a happier life in peace and love with each other rather than living in our own realities which is not the Absolute reality.
SABINA: I realized that I was putting on veils in front of my eyes unknowingly and these veils were anchoring me down. So, the minute I learned the distinction between denial and submission (Allah’s way) I got it, and feel free. Indeed, it is a life-changing course, provided we keep an open mind. Accept people as they are and then find solutions ““ is my take-home message. I think you are doing a great job; may Allah give you good health and peace- Ameen!
SALEH: My life before the workshop was full of excuses and denial. After the workshop, I unlearnt a lot about the mind and resisting, using reason and logic. I took things and advice that struck out to me and will apply it practically. Anyone can learn something if they find the essence of the workshop. I would have missed out on something very valuable.
RABIA: Before the workshop, I was a bit irritable but after the workshop, I have seemed to be able to calm myself and understand the right way to respond in a situation. I found it useful because it taught me some essential skills. It was a good experience because it enlightened me on certain topics. I think I may have missed valuable information such as differentiating between reality and opinions. I am willing to give up the veils covering my eyes
TERRANCE .Y: The workshop allowed me to look at life and situations without “Glasses’ on. I was always judgmental, but now I realize the situation presented to me in life ‘IS’ the situation- I must accept and not judge. An eye-opener!
WASEEM: This workshop has transformed not only me, but also our family. It is a life changing workshop. Please continue transforming lives.
BUSHRA: It is very beneficial. I have noticed courage, energy and kindness for all human beings and will follow it for the rest of my life, Inshallah. May Allah make it easier for all of us and help us to achieve love of Allah. An excellent effort (may Allah accept and give Barakat). Please try to have the workshop in school holidays.
FIAZ: It was very beneficial. I learned many interesting things; techniques and I feel very light. I am very lucky to attend this workshop and God helped me. I am thankful to the coach, an amazing person and a great teacher.
SAAD: It was a great experience. I got to know happiness is an inside job. Got to distinguish between Absolute reality and personal reality. Understanding a new paradigm, came across new perspectives, understanding the consequences and justification based life, Understood how to perceive and how to respond and the application of triple test.