The workshop changed me from Human Being to Being a Human

HomeLife and Relationship

The workshop changed me from Human Being to Being a Human

Change of Hearts in Chennai!
One of the Best Three Days of My Life

Discover Yourself Workshops were held at Patna and Ranchi in May 2023

Some of the participants share their Experiences.
• Before there were inside me lot of negativities and after the workshop, I feel proud of myself, feel light, and positive.
• I would say that these three days of the workshop are the best days of my life. Amazing and gained lots of knowledge.
• I developed the ability to listen to my heart and became closer to Allah.
• MY life totally changed after the workshop, my family members are very happy and shocked to see the changes.
• It helped me to find the true meaning of humanity. Before I get frustrated easily, but now I try to keep myself calm.
• I am able to see the reality and my mistakes. It was very beneficial.
• It was an eye-opening workshop. It opened my eyes to perceive things and change my perception instead of picking faults in others.
• A unique presentation. Amazing. I cannot believe that I just changed in 24 hours.
• Before I was skeptical of doing something challenging, I always wanted to be in my comfort zone but now I am ready with the help of Allah, and I will definitely succeed.
• Before I was very unhappy and disconnected from Allah. Now I am very happy and connected to Allah. I omitted all bad habits and do all good habits every day.
• I discovered myself. I changed myself and understood the world in a better realistic way. This workshop changed the mistakes which I was making in my life. I am thankful to you, sir.
• I was confused about what is right and what is wrong before the workshop, but now I know what Haq is and Batil is.
• Before the workshop angry, over-sensitive, and thinking too much. Right now, I feel at ease and peaceful.
• This workshop changed my life. My family members felt proud of me and I also see some changes in me.
• All the family members are impressed with me. Before the workshop, I felt that I was irresponsible and now I am responsible. I feel very good.
• I was rude to my family members. But now I understand why my mother scolded me. I helped my mother. My relatives and friends saw the changes in me, and I am very grateful.
• Before the workshop I had many problems, was stressed, and felt weak. After attending I gained confidence and now, I am free from stress, and problems. I am living a relaxed life. Thank you, sir.
• Before this workshop, I often got angry about small things and considered everyone wrong except me. But after attending I can control my anger and have stopped judging others.
• It helped me to control my anger, how to face the world, and helped me to be positive. My family is very happy that I am attending such a workshop that changed my attitude and my speaking.
• Now, after attending the workshop control my anger, learned not to judge and not to make opinions. I got the ability to distinguish between good and evil. Now I can see everyone as human beings.
• Life-changing! I used to think about my future and make myself sad by doing this, but because of this workshop, I overcame this problem. Thank You.
• It helped me in a way to change my mindset and provoked me to accept reality.
• I had many questions which I had written in the registration form. But, overall I got 85% answers to my questions and I want to say Jazakallah Khair.
• It is the need of the hour. A necessity for the youth as well as family members.

PINKI ROY: Before the workshop, I am always depressed. Negative thoughts always come into my mind. I thought I cannot do this, and it is not possible for me. But after the workshop, I am a changed person. I feel positive. Now I only listen to my heart and not to my mind. Now I have control over the mind.

ANIL KUMAR: It was a life-changing workshop for me. I would have missed valuable lessons in life. As a human being, I began to feel my humanity, equality for all humans. I got to know how to live and achieve success. I feel like you put a few drops in my mouth out of your intense thirst. I did not know when, where, and how I would get answers to all my questions, and that is why I am thankful to God who sent his representative to help me. I love you God, Eshwar, Allah. Thank you so much. This workshop should be spread to the whole world.

MAJID: Yes! There was a big change in my attitude toward certain things. Developed a more optimistic and solution-seeking mind, solutions that are literally cool and relevant.

RAHMAN: I developed a very optimistic mind. There was a very vast change in my attitude. I got the confidence and way to fight my inner negative self. My parents are very happy seeing the change in me! Like not arguing or developing the mindset of me being the right one always and the other one is on judging and criticizing me.

ZEBA: This was an absolutely amazing and enlightening workshop Totally enjoyed and learned a lot.
I am inspired to use these wonderful techniques in my practice. Glad to be part of it. Thank you.

NISHAT: I thank Allah for choosing me to attend this workshop. I am feeling very fortunate to myself. Inshah Allah, I will improve my character and personality in a positive way so that Allah swt is pleased with me and shower His mercy on me. My spouse and my siblings co-operated and supported me very heartily and consciously. I must fight my negativity, Shaitan, and my deficiency and build my connection to Allah swt very strongly.

SHAISTA: Before the workshop, I was angry, never listened to anyone, did not care about anyone and I was in my own world. I felt my family members are always judging every time and are selfish. After the workshop, I realized that I was wrong. I feel relaxed and I experience that no one is bad, but has their own opinions. My family members are surprised to see the changes in me and asked is this you. I said I am this and everyone is happy at home.

SADAF: I see a new personality and new behaviour in me. The way I was seeing people now is completely changed. I am focusing more on my life and not on others. I am trying to live my life according to Allah’s standards.

BILQUIS: It is a life-changing experience. My life was different before the workshop. I learned to control my anger and differentiate between Haq and Batil, and my behaviour towards others, and my perspective and opinion about my family members changed a lot. The experience of forgiving others was the most memorable experience that I experienced through this workshop.

ZUFA: It helped me to know more about myself. Before attending the workshop I felt very heavy and depressed. I did not know the value of life. But these three days changed my life so much. I am happy that I got answers to all my questions. I love this workshop.

AZRA: My life was very confused and very contradictive before attending this workshop. After attending I can discover so many values of life. I am now able to listen to others and not react quickly and because of this my family members also share the same energy as mine thus creating a sense of peace and companionship among us.

ARFA: This workshop taught me how to live my life. Before the workshop, I was a human being and now I am being human, helping and focusing on others. This workshop helped me to enhance relationships and forgive others. It helped me to work willingly, control my anger and be positive.