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Viewing the Quran Through Allah’s Wisdom

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Question: What is the practical way to read the Quran from Allah’s perspective and not from others or my own perspective?
Yusra, Srinagar

Answer: The first step is recognizing that you have a choice: you can read the Quran from your perspective, relying on personal logic and reasoning, or you can approach it from the perspective of Divine Reality.

Allah established a communication system through His prophets and revealed books to guide humanity. Without this divine communication, even the greatest minds could not determine the ultimate truth. Human interpretations are shaped by limited experience and are not absolute truths; they reflect personal reality or opinion. Only Allah, who is the Absolute Reality (Al-Haqq), can declare the ultimate truth. The Quran is His word, revealing the clear distinction between truth and falsehood, guiding us to recognize the true enemy (Satan) and the path of Haqq (Truth).

Reading the Quran is an external action, but listening to it is an internal process. This internal listening allows you not only to GET but to truly receive what Allah is communicating. This ability comes through living the message. The finite mind cannot grasp Allah’s infinite wisdom only by living in alignment with it can we truly “GET” it.

The mind, with its judgments and opinions, often acts as a barrier between us and Allah. To read from Allah’s perspective, we must transcend the mind’s constructs and step into the realm of Reality, free from subjective interpretation. This journey moves us beyond personal opinions and judgments, immersing us in a space of true meaning.

For 50 years, I lived within this false reality until, by Allah’s mercy, I was guided from the world of illusion into the world of Reality. This shift brought a profound sense of peace and calm the life Allah desires for us. With the blessing of this experience, I felt compelled to share it with the world, and thus, in 2002, the Discover Yourself workshop was born. Its purpose is to help people live from Allah’s perspective. Alhamdulillah, to date, we have conducted 504 workshops.

The Discover Yourself workshop, helps participants move beyond the “false self” and introduces them to their true, authentic self in alignment with Reality.

Sometimes, like in the Quranic story of the cow, Allah’s commands are simple, but human logic complicates them with unnecessary questions and doubts. The mind, as a questioning machine, often distracts from the essence of Allah’s guidance. The Quran is not a book of mere rights and wrongs; it is Al-Furqan, the Criterion, distinguishing between truth and falsehood, and good and evil. To read it from Allah’s perspective, one must transcend personal biases and allow divine truth to shape one’s understanding.

I acknowledge my inability to clear all your doubts as the answer is from my perspective.

If this raises more questions, please let us know we can learn together. We are in a state of “I don’t know,” and by sharing our experiences and knowledge, we can grow. Our ultimate purpose is to connect with Allah and live a life He loves.