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Post Matric Scholarship for Karnataka Students

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By A Staff Writer
Bangalore: Students belonging to Minority communities i.e., Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and Parsis, can apply for post-matric scholarship for minorities offered by the Ministry of Minority Affairs, Govt of India.
Students enrolled for any degree courses (BA, BSc, BBM, BCA, B.Ed, B.Lib. Sc, B.P.Ed, BTA or in ITI or ITC courses, or doing MA, M.Sc, M.Com, MSW, M.Ed, MPEd, MTA, or M.Phil or Ph.D are eligible for the scholarship. To be eligible, the candidates should have passed the previous exam with at least 50% marks and their parental income should not exceed Rs. 2 lakh from all sources.
Last date for submission of online applications is September 30, 2012 and the for hard copy applications would be October 10, 2012.
Application forms can be downloaded from www.momascholarship.gov.in after logging on to www.minorityaffairs.gov.in. For more information contact: Directorate of Minoreities, 20th floor, V. V. Towers, Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore-560001, Ph: 080-22863618, 22863617 or visit website: www.gokdom.com.