
Earth Day on April 22

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The best thing you can do on Earth Day is to get out there and do some actual work on helping to improve our environment.

By Naimu Puthur

April 22 is celebrated as Earth Day. On Earth Day, events around the world teach people how they can help our planet. It has been reported that over 1 billion people do something on or around Earth Day each year in an effort to help the environment. When was Earth Day first celebrated? Earth Day was first celebrated on April 22, in 1970. It began when the Senator from Wisconsin, USA, Gaylord Nelson, suggested that April 22 be used for an environment education day. It’s estimated that around 20 million people in the United States participated that first day. Many people consider this day to mark the beginning of the modern environmental movement.

What can you do on Earth Day? The best thing you can do on Earth Day is to get out there and do some actual work on helping to improve our environment. Here are a few ideas you can use for your family, class, or school. If you are a kid, be sure to check with your teacher and parents before you do anything and hopefully get them involved too!
Pick up trash: This doesn’t sound fun, but it can have an immediate impact on the environment around you. Get some trash bags and gloves and go clean up your school playground or park.
Plant trees: A great way to help our earth is to plant trees.
Plant a vegetable garden: This one probably works best at home. Get your parents and ask them to help you plant a vegetable garden. By eating food you grow at home, you help the environment in many ways. It doesn’t take any gasoline to transport your vegetables from your backyard into your kitchen!
(The writer is a student from Kerala)