OIC declares 15 Ramadan as Orphan Day

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OIC declares 15 Ramadan as Orphan Day

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Jeddah: Every year, on the 15th of Ramadan, the Muslim world observes the Day of the Muslim Orphan. In its Fortieth session, held in Conakry, Republic of Guinea, in December 2013, the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Member States enacted a Resolution declaring the 15th day of Ramadan as an orphan day in the Islamic world to raise awareness of their challenges and needs.

The observance of this day occurs in unusual conditions, necessitating a new strategy to ensure complete care and sponsorship for orphans. More efforts are required in this area, particularly in light of the COVID 19’s numerous ramifications, such as disasters and wars in some OIC Member States.

The Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet of Islam have advised us to treat orphans with dignity, to sponsor and care for them in terms of education, health, social life, and living situations, to protect their rights, and to nurture them well.

The OIC General Secretariat organized an interactive symposium on April 18, 2022, to express the OIC’s interest in this special group of society and their difficulties and concerns. The keynote speaker was Dr. Muhammad Mustafa Shuaib, Head of Studies and Fatwa Department of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy. In the several Member States, the symposium focused on the activities of humanitarian and social bodies and institutions concerned with orphans. On this occasion, the OIC General Secretariat renews its invitation to all Member States and humanitarian organizations to carry out appropriate activities to serve the causes of orphans.