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Baba e Taleem conferred on Dr. Mumtaz Ahmed Khan

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By A Staff Writer

Bangalore: Title of Baba e Taleem (Father of Education) was conferred upon Dr. Mumtaz Ahmed Khan, founder of the Al-Ameen Educational Society at a function organized by the Society to synchronise with the 47th Founders Day of the Al-Ameen on September 6. The title recognizes Dr. Mumtaz’s contribution in establishing 150 various educational and professional institutions in the state of Karnataka during the last 47 years. Dr. P. A. Fazal Ghafoor of Muslim Educational Society, Kerala also participated in the celebration. Dr. Mumtaz Ahmed Khan Awards were presented to litterateur Mahir Mansoor; social worker Prof. Salaam Musheer; Islamic scholar Noor Alam Baqvi; student Seema Sultana from Kolar; Shabana Taj, Manager of the Al-Ameen PU college, Bangalore; Sabirunnissa, Headmistress, Al-Ameen School, Kolar; social worker Faiz Akram Pasha; Harish Kumar, attender, Al-Ameen College; Mohammad Noorul Islam, general secretary Al-Ameen Mission, Kolkata; Syed Yahya, Manager, Al-Ameen College, and Khamarunnisa, sweeper with Al-Ameen institutions. 
Mr. Farook Mahmood, a prominent realtor of the City, who was the Hony. Secretary for the last five years, no longer figures among the office-bearers. A widely-travelled and highly experienced person, Farook lent immense grace and weight to the previous body.