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Call for Applications – Mass Marriages in Bengaluru

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Bengaluru: The Imdad e Nisa Trust and Memon Women’s Association will be conducting mass marriages in March 2018 in the city. They have called for applications from families who require help in this regard. As of now, the two organizations propose to take up cases of 15 couples. The families which require assistance may collect application form from the Imdad e Nisa office and apply for the same with required documents.
Those deserving help can call Asma Banu, office secretary, Imdad e Nisa, 31-Ram Tulsi Mandir Road, Opp. Canara Bank, Frazer Town, Bengaluru-560005. Ph: 95865-44423 (Asma Banu) or 98457-43993 (Nishat Modi). The application forms can be collected in person between 10 am and 1 pm on any day between Monday and Friday. A recommendation letter from the local mosque will be necessary.