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Deep-rooted Conspiracy in the Name of Politics and Democracy

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Politics is the name of Service and Sacrifice, but in India, it is not Politics but a deep-rooted conspiracy against the people of India in the name of politics resulting in reducing the entire population of the country into a voting class and ruling class, so that the voters will be voting forever and the rulers will be ruling forever. It is the reason that the Congress party started Secular politics instead of constitutional politics. In fact, the constitution of India runs on two wheels namely secularism and socialism. Without socialism, secularism is merely a slogan (jumla). The Congress party by declaring politics of secularism, the other politics left for BJP or any other parties is the only politics of Communalism thereby; Congress is mainly responsible for derailing constitutional politics. As a result, the birth of Both secular and communal politics which is divisive, confronting one against the other to set the country on fire and destroying the Native shudras, the Dalit and the Adivasison one side and the Muslims and the other minorities on the other side in the name of Communal Clashes, which is the order of the day, should it continue?

All the political parties are headed by the ruling class and the selection of candidates is also in their hands, the entire administration and even the EVM are also in the hands of the ruling class and the voters have nothing in their hands except to vote them to strengthen the hands of their parties without any alternative to watch the destruction of peace and prosperity of our country and its people.

Nowhere in the world not even in our neighboring countries like Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan this kind of Secular and communal politics exists. Till this kind of politics is changed there is no change in the future of this country and its people. We may have to face the worst days for our country if this kind of politics continues.

The Muslim Ummah especially the Ulamas who were at the forefront of the struggle for Indian independence, should unite to struggle for political change by opposing both the Communal and secular politics.

1- The Ruling Class cannot be the head of parties and the selection of candidates of their choice to serve them but not the voters thereby, producing the slaves of the Ruling Class as MLAs and MP’s.

2- Justice demands if the heads of the parties are belonging to the Ruling Class then the selection of candidates to serve the Voting Class should lie in the hands of the voting class or at least for a change 50 percent of the selection of candidates should be left to the choice of the Voting class. If this is also not acceptable to the Ruling class then the only third option left is to form the parties of the Voting Class maybe in a hut instead of building and strengthening the parties of the Ruling Class to see the worst days for the Country and its people

Lastly, if nothing is possible then strive to unite the existing parties of the Voting Class and work to build them.

Former Member of BDA (Bangalore Development Authority)