Rifah Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s Business  Summit Attracts 300 Entrepreneurs

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Rifah Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s Business Summit Attracts 300 Entrepreneurs

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Hyderabad: The Rifah Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI) hosted a successful business summit on May 16, attracting approximately 300 entrepreneurs at the Shah Convention. The event, named the Rifah Business Summit and Networking Meet, showcased participants ranging from new startups to established businesses with annual revenues of Rs. 100 crore.

Rifah, founded in 2015 by a group of dedicated entrepreneurs, aims to reorganize the economy and provide guidance on starting and growing enterprises. The summit’s success was evident by the turnout, with attendees paying a minimal fee of Rs. 500 each.

Notable attendees included young entrepreneurs like a student in an Aalim (Islamic scholar) program and a Hafiz who owns an oil company specializing in chemical-free products. Another under-30 participant expanded his online furniture business into a sizable showroom under Rifah’s guidance.

The summit highlighted success stories facilitated by Rifah, such as an engineer entering the soft drink industry, a soap and detergent business owner, and Durrani Enterprises, which transitioned from rock salt to a recognizable brand. A digital marketing business owner and a young Aalim businessman who completed a solar-panel-roofed bike track worth Rs. 80 lakhs also shared their experiences.

Chairman S. Ameenul Hasan emphasized the need for economic upliftment of Muslims in Hyderabad and Telangana, referencing census data that highlights the community’s socio-economic challenges. His six-point plan to encourage business as a means to alleviate poverty included raising awareness, conducting entrepreneurship programs, building partnerships, focusing on capacity building, enhancing financial accessibility, and providing microcredit services.

The summit featured presentations from Rifah’s central leaders, including General Secretary Mirza Afzal Baig and Karnataka branch head Mumtaz Mansoori, who stressed the importance of social responsibility in business. The event also included videos featuring Chairman S. Ameenul Hasan and Majid Sahab, proprietor of Pista House, along with sponsor presentations.

The Rifah Business Summit and Networking Meet underscored RCCI’s commitment to fostering entrepreneurship and economic development within the community.