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Delegation meets Minister to Highlight Youth Arrests

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New Delhi: A delegation of Muslim leaders which met Union Minister for Minority Affairs,. K. Rahman Khan on August 21 has urged the Union Government to look into the arrest of innocent Muslim youth through false charges of involvement in cases of terrorism. The members of the delegation urged the minister to set up a screening committee under the UPA government to take up such cases and release all such individuals against whom no charge sheet could be framed. They also requested that those against whom no offence is proved within a specified period, may be released. Khan said he was in close touch with the Prime Minister, Home Minister, Sonia Gandhi, and Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi on the issue and there is a possibility of a high power committee being set up to look into the issue. The delegations included Dr. Zafrul Islam Khan, general secretary, Majlis e Mushawarat, Maulana Asghar Mehdi, Maulana Junaid Ahmed Benarasi, Mufti Ataur Rahman Qasimi, Secretary of the All India Congress Committee Abdul Mannan and Amanullah Salafi.