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Directory of Konkani Muslims Released

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A directory with insights into the socio-political history and geographical environment of Konkani Muslims and their contribution, was recently launched in Mumbai. Dr A.R Undre launched the first Konkan directory whose primary objective has been to document and preserve the contributions made by Konkani Muslims to different fields like science, technology, medicine, shipping, politics, social work, education, literature, art and culture. “We faced a lot of skepticism before the first directory could materialise and
it took us ten years to realise our dream. But I am confident that the second volume of the Konkan Directory will be out within a year”, said Dr Undre, who is also the founder of the 30-year-old Royal Education Society. The bilingual directory (in English and Urdu) includes
information of individuals and organisations of the Konkan Muslim community from four districts of Maharashtra ““ Thane, Raigad, Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg.