Prof. Tasneem Fatima appointed pro VC of Jamia Millia Islamia

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Prof. Tasneem Fatima appointed pro VC of Jamia Millia Islamia

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New Delhi: Distinguished scientist Prof. Tasneem Fatima has been appointed as Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Jamia Millia Islamia. Prof Fatima is one of the leading botanical scientists in India. During her nearly forty years of teaching at JMI, she carried out many high-standard research works.

The Registrar of Jamia, Dr. Nazim Hussain Jafari, informed that Vice-Chancellor Prof. Najma Akhtar had appointed Prof Fatima on the post using her constitutional powers. The notification has been sent to all the concerned offices, including the Department of Higher Education, Central Ministry of Education, Chairman University Grants Commission, Secretary-General, Association of Indian Universities, and Chancellor Jamia Millia Islamia. All three top of this historic 100 years old institution’s chancellor, VC, and Pro VC held by women is a coincidence.

It is worth mentioning that Prof Fatima is an acclaimed scientist in the botany branch of science. She extracted insulin from cyano-bacteria, developed bio-plastics, discovered new aquatic pollution monitoring techniques based on cytoplasmic streaming velocity, detected the anticancer activity of cyanobacteria, and explored its biomedical applications.

Prof. Fatima also accomplished ten major research projects worth crores, including prestigious research and educational projects like DRDO, CCRUM, UGC, DST, and ICMR. Institutions are included. UGC and Fellowship have also awarded her BSR Faculty Fellowship 2021 for the year 2019 by NESA. Shehas been awarded the “International Research Peace Award 2019” by the renowned organization “Rola Awards” in recognition of her world-class innovative, rare, and high-level research services in environmental biology and cyano-bacterial biotechnology. The Society has also awarded Prof. Tasneem Fatima the Prof. YSK Sharma Memorial Award for Plant Research in recognition of her outstanding research achievements in the Algi Branch of Botany.

She has presented scientific research papers at about 60 international and national seminars, and her research papers have been published in 125 international and national journals. She writes 30 chapters in international standard scientific books. So far, more than 40 research scholars have received PhDs under her supervision.

She has done exceptional academic and administrative services by holding important positions such as Head of Department of Biosciences, President of Jamia Millia Islamia, Department of Mass Communication, Coordinator of e-Content of the University, and Research Committee of Department of Biosciences.

Prof. Fatima spent one year in the United States and six months in Germany and Italy as a Visiting Scholar with government support. She has participated in international scientific conferences in Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Philippines and Canada. She was awarded Gold Medal in M.Sc. from Lucknow University and also obtained her Ph.D. degree from this University.