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Fifth National Urdu Science Congress 2019

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Bok Releasing Session. (L-R): Dr. Abid Moiz, Prof. Zahid Hussain, Dr. Qazi Siraj Azhar, Dr. Mohammad Aslam Parvaiz, Dr. Kaiser Jamil, Dr. Syed Najamul Hasan, Dr. Mohammed Zafaruddin and OthersD

Hyderabad: The fifth National Urdu Science Congress was held at Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU), Hyderabad from 28 February to 1 March 2019. The Centre for Promotion of Knowledge in Urdu (CPKU) of MANUU, in association with School of Sciences jointly organised the Congress. Dr Abid Moiz, Consultant, CPKU was the Convener of the Congress. Dr Syed Qazi Siraj Azhar, Associate Professor of Pathology, University of Michigan, USA was the Chief Guest of the inaugural session. He is also a practicing doctor at Flint, Michigan. Dr. Kaiser Jamil who is former president of the Organisation for Women in Science in the Developing World, addressed the audience in the context of contribution of women in Science. A special session was held to commemorate the Urdu monthly magazine “Science” for successfully completing 25 years of its continuous publication. A special book “Karwan-e-Science” compiled as tribute to this success, was also released on the first day of the Congress.
(Reported by Sameen Ahmed Khan – [email protected])