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Hajj Ghars at Gulbarga, Mangalore too

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Bangalore: The Hajj Ghar is likely to be commissioned soon and the pilgrims for Hajj are likely to depart from there next year. Assurance to this effect was given here by Chief Minister Mr. Siddramaiah on September 12 on the eve of the commencement of Hajj flights to Jeddah from Bangalore. The Quddoos Sab Eidgah in the City may be hosting its last Hajj camp this year.
The Chief Minister said an additional Rs. 17 crore was allocated for the construction of Hajj Ghar in this year’s budget. He said Hajj Ghars will also come up in Mangalore and Gulbarga which have become embarkation points for Hajj pilgrims from the State in recent years. He said a five-acre plot in Gulbarga and a two-acre plot in Mangalore have been identified for the purpose.
Minister for Information Infrastructure and Hajj Mr. R. Roshan Baig pleaded for enhancement of official Hajj quota for Karnataka pilgrims. He urged that the quota for private operators needs to be curtailed. He informed that the Hajj Ghar under construction in the northern outskirts of Bangalore will have an international sized auditorium and will host several community related events and activities.
Incidentally, it is the 20th year that Hajj pilgrims from Karnataka are departing from the improvised Hajj camp even while all states in the country have set up permanent Hajj Ghars in their capitals.