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How Many Muslim Judges?

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A survey of Muslim representation among high court judges says there are only 26 Muslim judges among a total of 601 judges in 24 High Courts. Ideally, going by the Muslim share in population, i.e., 14.2 per cent, proportional representation would have meant 86 judges. The news portal www.muslimmirror.com has presented the following statistics of the representation in some of the high courts:

High Court Total no. Muslim Status
Sitting judges Judges

Allahabad 74 04 1 Judge retired on Jan. 9
Hyderabad 27 01 He retires this year
Bombay 59 02 1 retires this year
Calcutta 42 02 1 retires this year
Delh 39 02 Nil
Assam 16 Nil Nil
JandK 10 03 1 retires this year
Kerala 35 05 2 retire this year
Madhya Pradesh 30 Nil Nil
Madras 37 Nil Nil
Patna 28 02 1 retires this year
Punjab and Haryana 50 Nil Nil
Rajasthan 25 01 He retires this year
Uttarakhand 06 Nil Nil