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National Seminar on “Emerging Trends in Banking and Finance in India”

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Pune: A National Seminar on “Emerging Trends in Banking and Finance in India” was organized by the Department of Economics of Poona College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Camp. Dr. G.L. Bhong , Dean, Mental, Moral and Social Sciences, University of Pune, was the Chief Guest. He elaborated on the changing scenario of banking sector in India.
Dr.Yashwant Patil, Head Center of IT, Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Co-operative Management, delivered the keynote address on the “Role of IT in the Banking Sector”. He stated that in course of time India will become No.1in the IT sector in the world.
In the plenary session Dr. Rodney D. Silva from Goa University argued in favor of financial inflows in the form of FDI in to retail and multi-brand sectors in India.
Dr. Khaleel Ahmed from Mumbai University spoke about the importance of customer-centric relations in the banking sector. He also introduced Islamic Banking which is gaining currency in the world, to the audience. He compared it with conventional banking and averred that it is ethically superior to conventional banking .
Mr. M. N. Razvi, a seasoned banker from Bank of Baroda, explained the importance of path- breaking recommendation from Narasimham Committee and their impact on banking industry in India. He also analyzed how the modern technology in banking has made life easy for the customers.
Hundred participants from all over India including Aligarh and Goa, participated in the seminar. Forty delegates presented papers on different topics in banking and finance. Dr.Vasudha Garde, Former Head of International Cell, University of Pune. moderated the technical session.
Dr. K.G. Pathan, Retired Professor of Economics and Ex-Dean, Social Sciences, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, presently Sr. Advisor, Education Sector, U.S. India Business Alliance, in his valedictory address elaborated on the emerging career opportunities in Banking and Finance sectors as a result of globalization.
Dr. G. M. Nazeruddin, Principal of Poona college, welcomed the guests. Dr. Shakeel Ahmed, Vice- Principal, thanked the guests . Mr. Salat Baig, Trustee, delivered the Presidential Address. The seminar was coordinated by Dr. Malika Mistry. (Reported by Malika Mistry)