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NDA Govt to set up Equal Opportunity Commission

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New Delhi: Union Minority Affairs Minister, Dr. Najma Heptulla has stated that the Centre is considering the formation of Equal Opportunities Commission on the lines of Britain. Sharing the government’s minority welfare schemes with the British High Commissioner, James Bevan, Dr Heptulla said her ministry wants to constitute the EOC as soon as possible. “By setting up an equal commission, we want to ensure that all the deprived sections of minorities should get opportunities and benefits of development”, she stated. Apprising the minority welfare schemes run by the ministry to Bevan, she said the ministry has been implementing area development scheme, skill development and other schemes to uplift the minority communities, particularly the Muslim community. The previous Congress-led UPA government had passed the EOC bill in the Cabinet just before the last session of the Parliament, but failed to introduce it in the House.