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Quran Center in Zakir Nagar

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New Delhi: A “Quran Center” has been set up in Zakir Nagar locality in New Delhi. “As our students show least inclination to understand Quran and focus only on contemporary knowledge, God has guided us towards a strategy. We are starting coaching classes of contemporary subjects like Maths, Physics, Chemistry ,English, Biology and Social Studies, without any tuition fee, but with the condition that the student would attend daily class of Quran and three classes per week of Urdu language which they must pass. The Center will open on 9th,June, and classes would start subsequently”, says Dr. M. Aslam Parvaiz, Principal, Zakir Husain Delhi College (Delhi University) who has conceived the Quran Center concept. It is open to IX Class (Girls and Boys of all Schools), X Class (Girls appearing as Private Candidates), VI Class (Girls of Govt Schools and Jamia). The Center also offers Quran Translations Classes, Free Computer Training (Basic) for Madrasa Graduates, Library, Reading Room Facility
Lectures, Workshops, Orientation Programs to promote the understanding of Quran and to re-establish the functional relationship with it.
Dr Aslam Parvaiz is also the Founder General Secretary, Anjuman Farogh-e- Science (Organisation for Science Promotion), a registered NGO promoting Scientific awareness, aptitude and education among Urdu knowing people,. Founder and Hony. Editor, Urdu Science Monthly, India’s first and only popular science and environment monthly published in Urdu, since February, 1994. Founder Director, Islamic Foundation for Science and Environment, a Charitable Trust, focusing on interface of Science/Environment and Islam, promoting awareness and significance of science among Madrasa students and staff.
For more details, contact: Dr. M. Aslam Parvaiz, Principal Zakir Husain Delhi College (Delhi University)
Mob : 85060-11070 (Between 7 pm to 10 pm)
E-mail: [email protected].


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    Ayman Faraj 3 years ago

    Assalamu Alikum
    I am Ayman Faraj from Egypt. Can I contact one of the officials in this centre. You can contact me on [email protected] or what’s app number 00201129158554