Telangana Chief Minister Assures Protection of Muslim Reservation

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Telangana Chief Minister Assures Protection of Muslim Reservation

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HYDERABAD: Telangana Chief Minister, A Revanth Reddy, reassured Muslims in the state that the 4 percent reservation granted to them by the previous Congress government in undivided Andhra Pradesh would be safeguarded under his administration. Speaking at the state government’s “Dawat-e-Iftar” event in Hyderabad on March 16, Reddy countered recent suggestions by Union Home Minister Amit Shah that the BJP might overturn the reservation, citing actions taken in neighbouring Karnataka during BJP rule.

Reddy affirmed his commitment, stating firmly that neither Prime Minister Modi nor Amit Shah would dare to eliminate the 4 percent reservation. He credited the Congress party for allocating resources towards appointing capable attorneys to defend the reservation in the Supreme Court and asserted the government’s responsibility to protect it.

Highlighting his government’s efforts towards minority representation, Reddy emphasized providing Muslims with key appointments in government positions and ensuring their fair share in welfare schemes’ implementation. He reiterated the government’s secular stance, likening Muslims and Hindus to two eyes and stressing that Muslim development was never compromised during Congress’s tenure.

Reddy pledged to appoint a minimum of one Muslim as vice-chancellor of a university and highlighted Muslim representation in the Telangana State Public Service Commission and government advisory roles.

AIMIM president and Hyderabad MP, Asaduddin Owaisi, expressed hope for reinforcing Telangana’s “Ganga-Jamuni tehzeeb” during the event. He extended his party’s cooperation to the chief minister’s efforts, urging the strengthening and beautification of Telangana.

Owaisi also addressed concerns regarding BJP’s divisive rhetoric and actions, suggesting that Telangana must stand firm against those inciting hatred and demolishing Muslim homes, reaffirming the need for unity and solidarity.