
MANUU Polytechnic – Looking for Students

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A well-endowed polytechnic in Bengaluru has to import students from other states for want of awareness.

By A Staff Writer

Maanu 2

Bengaluru: The Polytechnic set up by Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) in Bengaluru is looking for local students. The Polytechnic has 120 seats on offer annually, but most of these are claimed by the students from Bihar. Local Urdu-speaking population largely remains unaware of the opportunity.
It was in 2008 that MANUU set up the Polytechnic in the Bangalore University campus at Nagarbhavi. It took on lease a few buildings from the Bangalore University which are located in a corner of the Kengeri campus of Jnanabharthi. Courses in Electronic and Communication (EandC), Civil and Computer Science leading to Diploma were started with an intake of 40 students in each. Since it has been set up by MANUU, Hyderabad, the Polytechnic admits students who have either been educated through Urdu medium, or had Urdu as one subject upto SSLC or can read Urdu. Even those with rudimentary knowledge of Urdu can find admission. The curriculum includes teaching of Urdu. However, entire technical terminology is borrowed from English and books and exam papers freely insert English terms in Roman script in the running Urdu text. The authorities say the work is on to translate the curriculum books into Urdu.

For Urdu-knowing students
But insistence on Urdu and lack of publicity in Bengaluru and its environs has kept the local students from availing of the facility. Tragically, those who have studied through Urdu medium in Bengaluru and its surrounding cities are not aware of the facility and the Polytechnic too is unaware of the ways to spread its net among the people it desires to cater. Nearly 90% students come from Bihar where the MANUU has another Polytechnic at Darbhanga. Since the queue of aspirants is long in Darbhanga””the state of Bihar not having much technical educational infrastructure””the spillover is passed on to Polytechnic in Bengaluru. The process of admission takes nearly 45 days.
Low Fee Structure
Curiously, the fee is very low, just about Rs. 4,000 for the first year of Diploma, Rs. 3000 for the second year and Rs. 4,000 for the final year. Such a low fee structure is unimaginable in a city like Bengaluru. However, the fee structure could be changed as per the norms. Hostel facilities are not available yet, but MANUU authorities are actively considering a proposal to hire a few buildings and start a hostel to accommodate students from far flung area.
The aspirants are supposed to apply online and admission is through an entrance test. Those who have passed the SSLC exam with 35% marks and have knowledge of Urdu are eligible to apply. So far five batches of Diploma holders have come out of the Polytechnic. Nearly half of those completing the Diploma opt for lateral entry into the BE courses.
The campus is serene with well-endowed labs, library and classrooms. Faculty is qualified. All courses are approved by the University Grants Commission and the Ministry of Human Resource Development. Admissions are currently on. Those desirous can access the website www.manuu.ac.in Address: MANUU Polytechnic, 8th cross, 3rd Block, Nagarbhavi, Bengaluru-560072, Ph: 080-23181726. Cell: 9663802740, 8183907179, 8123490720.
Interestingly, the MANUU is also running an ITI in Bengaluru. It offers certificate courses in Electronic mechanic and Refrigeration and Air-conditioning