
HT Women Award for Dr. Subuhi Khan

TRIBUTE – Dr. Khaleeque Anjum
Tragic End of a Brave Heart: Esob Ali

Dr. Subuhi Khan, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University has been nominated for Hindustan Times Women Award “Woman of Substance” for her significant contribution in Mathematics and for promoting Mathematics among female students. Dr. Subuhi is the first Indian lady Mathematician to receive the prestigious research fellowship of Italian National Agency for New technologies, Energy and Environment, Italy. She is the recipient of Senior Research Fellowship, CSIR, India and Bharata Ganita Parishad Prizes. She has supervised 7 PhD and 7 M. Phil. students. She was awarded Gold Medal for securing first rank in AMU both in B. Sc. and M. Sc. Dr. Subuhi is associated with several academic societies and journals including Mathematical Review, American Mathematical Society, USA.