
Mushtaq Madani

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Mushtaq Madani, noted writer and journalist from Pune died on December 20. He was 53. Madani edited Urdu fortnightly Usool from Pune for the last 13 years and had specialized in compiling opinion based writings on Muslim personalities. He had brought out such volumes on Dr. Mumtaz Ahmed Khan, Al-Ameen Education Society founder from Bangalore; diplomat and former MP Syed Shahabuddin; Syed Hamid, former vice chancellor, Aligarh Muslim University; Historian Dr. Sheik Ali, former vice chancellor of Mangalore and Goa Universities (hailing from Mysore); Mr. Peerpasha Inamdar, President, Cosmopolitan Education Society,
Pune (and the spirit behind Azam Campus with 27 institutions in Pune). He was buried in Khirkee graveyard near Pune. Madani was into publishing and helped several institutions in bringing their journals and literature. He leaves behind his wife, two sons and a daughter.