Dream of Changing the Destiny of  his House with Riyals and Dirhams


Dream of Changing the Destiny of his House with Riyals and Dirhams

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According to our thought and tradition, which values ​​money more than education and passport more than books, Aba left his studies and made a passport, and went to Saudi Arabia with the dream of changing the destiny of his house with Riyals and Dirhams. There is no doubt that With Riyal and Dirham, our economic conditions have changed, our lifestyle has changed, the style of exhibition and decoration has changed, and the quality of the rich and the poor has changed, if nothing has changed, the quality of education and political thinking has not changed. They were still there today, but now they are even more marginalized, we are not in politics, not in the government, not in the press, not in the court, at any point, at any time, we should be killed by the Sena and the crowd, nor do we have any voice. And not a happy situation, thanks to dirhams and dinars, cars, horses, bungalows, and palaces were built, but not Dr. Engineer, IS teacher, PCS – due to dependence on Arab countries, educational degradation, mutual rivalry in politics and Shariat. We have not been able to achieve the position in the country that other nations who got education and livelihood by staying in the country did.

My father left the country to improve his fortune, but in today’s technological era, it is difficult for highly educated and skilled people to get a job, so where are the jobs for uneducated and unskilled people, the changing conditions of Saudi Arabia and increasing due to unemployment, when father did not find any work, he also kept the tradition and learned the easiest and favorite profession of our youth, driving, with the help of his friends from the village and learned in the house of a Saudi. Became special, the father called Ghar Khan Sahib is now known as the “family driver” in Saudi Arabia. I have no shame or shame in doing all those things. In my country, society does not have relationships in the house of vegetable and fruit sellers. No, but there is no loss of respect for those who earn riyals and dirhams by selling ice.

Unaware of God’s wisdom, his fate, and the glitz of the world, Aba went to Saudi Arabia, but could not go further than fate. This job was also missed, but it was a good coincidence that the sponsor who was the driver here this time was a doctor. It was his duty to leave the hospital and bring him back. must have created a feeling in them that I wish I was educated too, and this was the feeling that Aba had earned in Saudi Arabia, and with this feeling he promised himself that he would not go home until the children were educated.

Allah had written that the sustenance was not limited in the fate of Aba, but it was so short that even after sweating all day in the hot sands of Saudi Arabia, his income would have ended where poverty started, but in the eyes of the world, Aba Saudi Lived in the Arab countries, the house of those who earn Riyal and Dirham would be cramped. I, to keep the illusion of my honor and family honor, mother wins every day and dies every day for every Meena sent my father for five to seven thousand, to keep the honor of the house dressed in white clothes, to make dowry for the marriage of two young sisters, how difficult it was for Amma to send her to school, express her happiness in front of her neighbors by killing her dreams and aspirations. If she had done it, she would have said that it was a beautiful dream that moistened her eyes.

But the mother’s love would drink her sorrows with tears to keep us happy but not express any worry, it is the tragedy of us white-clad people that we will die of hunger but to keep the illusion of our independence, our honor, our family prestige. Because neither can spread their hands in front of anyone nor can they explain their plight in front of anyone, Amma kept smiling in front of the world by satisfying all our needs by throttling all her desires in the same seven thousand years, our good. For the sake of the future, my father’s stay in Saudi Arabia for years used to make us sad. Seeing his love and longing eyes on the video call, my heart cried tears of blood. Time flew by when Amma forced me to borrow 1000 for my school fees and sent me to Rahman Dada’s house to get 1000. He stood for hours, but it was as if no one heard him. After standing for hours, when he started to go back in frustration, his elder daughter-in-law said, “Look, they are standing with their faces raised for money, as if there are piles of money here when there is no time.” There is no need to teach them to eat, but dreamers do not know which medal they will get by studying.

Words have no teeth, but when they bite, they injure the soul, not the body. On that day, his sarcastic words, his arrogant tone, pierced my chest like a dagger. that I could answer them,

Instead of money, he returned home with his Nishtari accent piercing his heart and wept bitterly by his mother’s side. Amma said, “No problem, son, those who understand wealth do not understand education.” Time is a great salve; it will also heal the wound. The other day, I received a phone call from my father and asked him to give up his dream of teaching me and call me to Saudi Arabia. Hunger can be tolerated, but people’s bitter words and hurtful words cannot be tolerated. My eyes fell on my words and said in a trembling voice, “Son, if you want your children and future generations not to suffer the wounds of words, then don’t resist coming to Saudi like me. At that time, there is definitely trouble and hardship.” Of course, considering your fate and God’s will, ignore people’s words and live on half-bread and torn clothes, but don’t refuse to fall, my son, to teach you the last drop of my blood in this hot sand of Saudi Arabia. I will squeeze but I will not give up then why do you give up after intermediate you have to prepare for medical you have to give MBBS test son I can’t go beyond my fate, Allah’s decision, and His provision but you I promise that I will spend the precious years of my youth in this morning for the sake of the future of my future generation, but I cannot come home and see my children being humiliated in front of people for the rest of my life. The heat of Arabia will fill my eyes with light, it will encourage me to work in the sand, and being called the father of a doctor will heal all these wounds of mine.

Abba’s compassionate manner and emotional tone became an encouragement to the heart and mind of the deceased and I also promised myself that I will not let this sacrifice of his go in vain. Fulfilling his dreams made it his goal, loved books, forbade sleep, and passed the MBBS exam the first test. I didn’t come home for six years, I came to my father’s house a few months after I became a doctor, I had started practice in a hospital in Delhi and was preparing for MD. He couldn’t control his emotions after seeing his father and thinking of his sacrifice and mother’s perseverance, his eyes were filled with tears. After spending a few days with him, he went back to Delhi. After a few years, I built my own hospital in the name of my father, so according to my father’s wish, I kept the treatment of the people of the village free. After leaving Rakha, he reached the hospital and saw that Rahim Dada was standing outside. He quickly got out of the car. He started the operation the next day with a team of doctors, and after being in several hospitals, finally, when Allah healed him with my hands after he regained consciousness, he cried seeing me. I went to ask for a loan of 1,000 for the same education, so he said that if there is no time, what is the need to teach and what medal will he win by studying? He held my hand and started apologizing to me. He only said that sister-in-law, wealth gives prosperity and education gives life, wealth, and money, and good education makes fun of poverty, but not education. A school was built in which the education of poor children was kept free.

May Allah reward them well and grant us the opportunity to respect the greatness of our parents and their sanctity.