HomeQuran Speaks

The Sculptor

Gradation: A Divinely-Determined Principle in Islam
Scenes of the Day of Judgement
Avoid Wrongly Suspecting Others

(The Inevitable Event)
Surah: 56: Verses 58-59

“Have you seen the seed that you spill? Do you create it, or are We its creators?”
In this noble verse of the eternal, the Presence of the Real makes manifest His power of creation over the world’s folk so that they will know that the artisan without cause is He, the enactor without tool is He, the all-subjugating without cause is He, the all-forgiving without delay is He, the all-curtaining of every slip is He.
He is the Lord who created a subtle form from frail water and showed firm artisanry to a feeble sperm-drop. He set up many diverse paintings with “Be!”, so it comes to be [2:117]: mutually similar limbs, opposites like unto each other, every limb adorned with one sort of beauty, not more than its limit, not less than its measure. To each He gave an attribute, and in each He placed a strength: senses in the brain, splendour on the forehead, beauty in the nose, perfect loveliness in the hair, appetite in the veins, faith in the heart, love in the secret core and recognition in the spirit […] So many marvels and wonders from a drop of water! The intelligent man gazes on His artisanry, but the heedless man is asleep.