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A Rejoinder

A Note of Thanks
A Community of Beggars
Letters to Editor

Islamic Voice issue of November 2013 has many worthy letters and articles. But a staff writer has reported about my joining the Congress in the “People” Column. His report suffers from biases and faults. This report exposes his immature worthiness. He has gone astray in his report. The main issues which need to be pointed out and need corrections are:
1. His accusation that someone in the BJP forged his signature for filing his nomination papers for the Council membership did not convince anyone. Having enjoyed the perks and privileges of membership of the Upper House in Karnataka and the minister ship, he should and would have known that his nomination to the House owed itself to forgery. Yet he never raised the issue while being in the government.
My rejoinder: This is meaningless. I did not say that someone in BJP has forged my nomination paper. All that I said was someone in BJP has forged my signature in Form-3 under rule (4) of the Anti Defection Law. The member after nomination by the Governor has to fill and sign this form which the party issues, collects and then sends it to the Legislative Council Secretariat. This is just a party affair. The member has to indicate which party he would like to align with within 30 days from the date of nomination to the council. If the name of the party is not mentioned and signed, the nominated member is no longer a member of any party. He remains an unattached member. This is what happened in my case. I had not signed this form and hence I am not a member of BJP.
The question about why this issue was raised after 5 years? The simple answer is that I did not know that I had not signed, but somebody had signed. I came to know recently when someone talked to me through land phone and asked me to obtain a copy of this form through RTI. I did so about 45 days ago. I was shocked and informed the party President, Mr. Prahlad Joshi. I sent three letters by courier and a registered letter. But he remained silent. Then I went to media, declaring that I am not a BJP member. It is not that I resigned from the party, but the party itself is responsible for not continuing me as a member.
2. A social worker and academician of repute, Prof. Khan had on many occasions made politically correct noises in sync with his presence in the BJP, but was not expected to become a turncoat.
Rejoinder: I do not wear any turn coat. I wear waist coat. I am not a cheap politician. I have not behaved like a politician. I remained an academic, maintained my dignity, decorum, honesty and simplicity.
3. With several Congressmen waiting for a vacancy to enter the Council ““ mainly to get a cabinet berth, it is not likely that the Congress would prefer to nominate him for the vacant seat.
Rejoinder: I just resigned my LC seat. Who gets the benefit is known to party leaders. I am not an aspirant to get back the seat which I vacated. This is a vicious calculation.
Thus, the reporter has grossly misunderstood the entire development. I only request him not to repeat such fallacious remarks.
Prof. Dr. Mumtaz Ali Khan
# 18, 1st ‘C’ main road,
Gangenahalli Extn, Bangalore ““ 560032
[email protected]