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An Appeal from Rampur

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Muslims Today Have a Shaky Understanding of Islam

Saba Mahboob Shamsi is 27 years old and lives with her parents and two brothers in a two -room house in the by-lanes of Rampur in Uttar Pradesh. Saba is suffering from myasthenia gravis which is a chronic auto-immune neuromuscular disease characterized by varying degrees of weakness of the skeletal muscles of the body. Saba has to be on medicines lifelong for survival, which are very expensive. Every bottle of the prescribed medicine “Mastenol” that contains 150 tablets costs Rs 2700, and is available with very few chemists. With a weak economic background and aging parents too, the family is running from pillar to post to buy the medicine for Saba. The family appeals for help from the community. For more details, contact Saba or Shoeb Shamsi at: c/o Mr. Mahboob Ali Shamsi, Ghair Peepal Wala, Saifal Khan. Near House of Datt Bhai, Rampur , Uttar Pradesh, Pin Code 244901. Mobile (Shoeb Shamsi):8791210581. The doctor’s letters and hospital documents are available with her brother Shoeb Shamsi.