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An Appeal to Human Rights Organisations

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Very Thought-Provoking Article

The cold-blooded murder of Qateel Siddiqui in Pune’s Yarvada high security jail recently, is yet another proof that the life of a Muslim  is no longer safe in India even behind the walls of a high security jail. This cold-blooded murder comes in quick succession after a  number of cases where security agencies’ high-handedness in dealing with Muslim youth on flimsy charges and mere suspicion gives  away the game of the administration’s war against the Muslim community in the name of fighting “terror”. The murdered accused,  Qateel Siddiqui, was a lawabiding citizen of this country. We appeal to the national and international human rights organisations to take notice of the  situation in India where sections of the administration are fighting a war against the country’s largest religious minority in the name of  fighting “terror”, while the security agencies themselves are the biggest culprits and excel in fabrication of cases and use torture to force the accused to confess to crimes they never committed.
[Umbrella body of the Indian Muslim organisations],
New Delhi, [email protected]