HomeReaders Space

Dear ‘Islamic Voice’ Readers!

Islamic View of Mental Health
Inspiring Articles
Compile as Books

‘Islamic Voice’ seeks to promote positive thinking and to inspire people to contribute positively to the welfare of God’s creation. We encourage you to send us articles, stories, interviews, book reviews etc. that can help people lead a God-oriented, positive, truly meaningful life.
Word Length:
a. Articles, interviews, reflection pieces etc.: Maximum 1000 words.
b. Book reviews: Maximum 750 words
c. Children’s page stories: Maximum 500 words
We particularly welcome articles based on author’s own personal experiences and reflections thereon. Articles on lived or applied spirituality (instead of mere theoretical and preachy writings) are very welcome. If you know of someone who is engaged in serving people in need, writing about them and their work might be more welcome than a merely theoretical article about the importance of service. Or, if you know of someone who is serving society by planting trees or doing clean-up drives, writing about them and their work might be better than writing a merely theoretical article about the importance of caring for the environment.
Articles about social problems are welcome, but the focus should be on offering positive solutions, rather than complaining.
Interviews with inspiring people who are engaged in serving God’s creatures in constructive different ways are very welcome. Such people can be an inspiration for others.
You are also welcome to send us letters to comment on various issues, offer suggestions for how IV can improve, etc.
Please email your articles, letters etc. to islamicvoicewriters @gmail.com…..