“Masjid Management stand up to the call of time or make way for others.”

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“Masjid Management stand up to the call of time or make way for others.”

The Coconut Tree
Name of Allah


I read with interest the article “Masjid Management stand up to the call of time or make way for others” by Prof. Jalees Tareen, ex- Vice-Chancellor, in the October issue of Islamic Voice. The author has rightly pointed out that Masajid has a more significant social role in spreading peace and harmony. Also, they should be a centre to disseminate information about benefits from Government and work for the upliftment of society and promote education.

The Imam plays a pivotal role, but sadly he is treated low, like a bonded slave.

Are the surrounding mosque and the precincts spick and span? Are they maintained well and clean? About the maintenance of toilets, the less said, the better.

The learned Vice Chancellor’s article is a handbook to all managements in implementing the prayer halls’; ideas were intended for comprehensive activities as was practically done during the Prophet SAS’ s times. Our kudos to the writer.

Naveed Ahmed, Bangalore