“Meet Inferiority Complex”

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“Meet Inferiority Complex”

Good Progressive Articles
Acts of Goodness.

Assalamualaikum. The article “Meet Inferiority Complex” in Islamic Voice November 22 by Janaba. Sana Rubiyana is timely and well thought and well-analyzed subject. In these days of differences in opinions in the daily walk of life, this chronic disease of behavioural change plays an important role in deciding a decent halal life. Many divorces especially in Islam are based on this malady. It will be suitable if the author quotes the Quranic verses which deal with and find a solution for this disorderly malady.
‘The connection between Quran and Nature’
The article ‘The connection between Quran and Nature’ by Janaba. Moqheeta in Islamic Voice November 2022 is exemplary. The Quranic ayats tell Allah’s creations for the benefit of living specially for human beings to know the supremacy of Allahuthala. The author’s approach is appreciated to link nature with Allah.
Agri. A. Kaja Nazimudeen. -00207
Eruvadi, Tirunelveli district, Tamilnadu. .

Hope you are doing well.
I am a professional outreach manager and a blogger by passion.
I’ve been following your blog regularly. Your recent post “https://islamicvoice.com/youth/indian-student-gets-10-year-uae-golden-visa/” resonated with me.
I appreciate the awareness you are creating with a meaningful post on your website.
I thought it was something my audience would love to read, so I will share it on my social platforms.
Gissyl Smith
[email protected] .