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Shopping for a Suitable Bride Groom

“NIOS: Alternate Schooling”
Time for Clean Administration
Readers Space

Once upon a time, we experienced the phenomenon of a suitable bride’s parents going through the pain of finding a suitable bride groom. Now that pain has shifted to the bride groom’s parents who are looking for a suitable bride in Bangalore. This could be attributed to drop in the girl-boy ratio within the Muslim community. At a time when the morals and ethics with human beings are the lowest, we are seeing a phenomenon of the girl’s parents shopping for the best bride groom in town. It is the bride’s parents who will first visit the boy’s house and then reject or further scrutinize the alliance. One can see the matrimonials (in Islamic Voice as well) with specifications of requirements of bride grooms in a language that is dripping with arrogance and racism. To name a few requirements of boys ““ “Need tall, handsome fair, not more than 29 years, only- doctor or settled in US/ UK, gazetted officer, IAS officer”, while the girl herself is a BSC / BBA graduate. Some of strangest requirements from the girl’s parents are ““”Looking for groom who earns more than 1.5 lakh of salary per month, bride groom should be living in the posh areas of Bangalore.”
The girl’s parents, while shopping for suitable boy do not mind that the girl is passing of age and reaching 30 years of age. As per the analysis done of Islamic Voice matrimonial ads listed between May 2016 – Apr 2017, it is noticed that around 39% of matrimonial ads are of girls who are older than 30 years.
With girls coming from such arrogant families, their marriage does not last longer than a few months. Then again, the girl’s parents go shopping for a suitable bride groom. The same data analysis indicates that more than 10% of matrimonial ads are of divorced girls. The Muslim community does not need any other community to destroy them, we are ourselves on the path of self destruction!

Shamsiya Begum,
[email protected]