The decline of Muslim Students ‘Ratio in Higher Education’

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The decline of Muslim Students ‘Ratio in Higher Education’

Name of Allah
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Matrimonial Advertisements and Mental Trauma

The articles in the current issue i.e. July 2023 of Islamic Voice are very inspiring. The article “AISHE survey reveals the unprecedented decline of Muslim Students’ Ratio in Higher Education” by Abdul Bari Masoud (page 1) must serve as an eye opener to the community. Unless the Muslim community works with missionary zeal to improve higher education levels among Muslims, it will be doomed.
Regarding the article “Following Karnataka Elections, what should be the Strategy for the Upcoming Elections?” by Dr. Mohmmad Manzoor Alam (page 5) is thought-provoking. No doubt Karnataka Model must be implemented in all states all over the country by the opposition parties. For this, they need to think beyond monetary gain and power-grabbing. They need to sacrifice for the higher good and fight unitedly against the ruling BJP. It is possible, provided in each constituency only one opposition candidate must contest. Mostly BJP has won below 50 percent of the votes. Usually, the votes for the opposition parties are divided. So, if unitedly the opposition can fight with one candidate opposing one BJP candidate in each constituency, there is a high chance that the opposition will win. In Karnataka, we are told that the opposition followed this strategy and won the elections.
Dr. Malika Mistry,
Pune. .


Harmony, not Uniformity
A survey conducted by the Anthropological Survey of India revealed that there are around five thousand communities in India. Karnataka alone has 299 communities. Each of these communities has their own laws of marriage, divorce, and inheritance. Some of them have customary laws. In our vast country there are varieties of rules and regulations, norms and customs followed. For example, while in some Hindu families’ marriages between cousins are considered incestuous, in others it is not. Sections 29A, 29B, and 29C of the Hindu Succession Act conferring rights on daughters in joint family property applied to the southern states. Hindus have the Mitakshara as well as the Dayabhaga School of Law. A vast population of Hindu tribals is kept out of the purview of Hindu law.

On this Guruji Golwalkar Ji, while inaugurating the Deendayal Research Institute in 1972, said that a uniform civil code was not necessary for national unity. “For unity”, he said, “we need harmony, not uniformity”. He further observed: “ I think uniformity is the death knell of nations. Nature abhors uniformity. I am all for the protection of various ways of life.” (The Motherland, August 21, 1971).
Mohammad Naushad, Advocate
Bengaluru .