HomeReaders Space

Very Dignified Paper To Read

Complete Address of Books Reviewed
Errors in Meanings of Words
Similarities between Sikhism and Islam

Islamic Voice is the only standard, decent, dignified Muslim English newspaper that reaches Muslims who are not capable of reading Urdu, and also non-Urdu speaking Muslims. The basic concept of the paper is excellent and its positive journalism and texts are its important feature. The news paper has completed nearly 30 years, it is very appreciable and a great achievement, I wish it may exist many more years. God willing! I felt extremely happy that you have invited feedback letters of appreciation or brickbats with suggestions to improve Islamic Voice. My humble suggestions towards improvement of Islamic Voice are: Please reduce the number of advertisements. Improve its circulation by deputing few persons to sell Islamic Voice in front of the big mosques of Bangalore/Mysore and other important cities immediately after the Friday prayers. Advertise about Islamic Voice in Urdu, English and Kannada dailies. Publish work and contribution of sufis, saints, scientists and other eminent, intellectual personalities of Islam. Contribution of non-Muslims for the cause and improvement of Urdu, Persian, Arabic languages, as these languages are very rich in Islamic literature. The great and marvelous work of Munshi Naval Kishore and his Printing Press of Lucknow and personalities like him and their work may be highlighted. Muslim personalities who have contributed to other Indian Languages. Features on important Muslim organizations, universities, libraries of India may be published. Please reserve one full page for review on recently published English Islamic Books.
It is my desire that Islamic Voice should become very popular and every educated Muslim household should read this paper.

T. J Afzal Baig
[email protected]
Rtd. Deputy Manager,
Karnataka Housing Board. Bangalore