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Who is responsible for the broken marriages?

At the Feet of God
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We have to make great efforts in making our younger generation understand the reality of married life; we have to establish institutions where the youngsters can be educated about the consequences of married life.

“Marriages are made in heaven” is a statement that we all believe in; it is truly the most sacred and divine relationship in the entire universe. Once the word marriage is uttered in a family, it brings lots of happiness for the whole family irrespective of religion, culture, or family status. The family bond becomes stronger and better than ever before during the entire marriage process because everyone in the family wants to contribute their best efforts to the forthcoming marriage on the cards. The bride, the groom, their parents, their siblings, their friends, and their close relatives all are highly focused, excited, and careful about every aspect of the “Big Day.” Starting from the list of guests, rituals, functions, dresses, jewelry, gifts, food, banquet halls, resorts, decorations, and not to forget the dowry part. The wedding day is like a dream come true to the couple and their families as it brings unlimited happiness, joy, and enjoyment to everyone who is a part of that marriage.

However, the irony is; the groom, the bride, and their families choose or select the best banquet hall in the city; they hire the best wedding planner and caterer. They buy the best jewelry and wedding outfits from the top most brands, they spend a lot of money on gifts, and even more on unofficial gifts (dowry). The brutal truth is that parents often perform above and beyond their capabilities to display their fake status in society. They borrow huge amounts and even break their deposits to make that one-day ceremony super successful.

All said and done! Now the question is, why the marriages fail after all these preparations, efforts, and hard work? Why do happiness and joy fade away? Who is responsible for breaking these marriages? Who are to be blamed for all this?

In about 85% of Indian families, the parents own the responsibility of their children’s marriage. So should we blame the parents for these broken marriages? Ironically yes! because when it comes to marriage, the parents only concentrate on the wedding presentation for making it a big success by spending the maximum money on it. (In most cases, it’s like a beg borrow or steal situation).

Bingo, as a result, 98% of the marriage functions are super hit because of the perfect planning, preparation, and execution of plans. But what is the planning and preparation done for the new relationship that begins from this “big successful marriage day.” The answer is nothing; hence most marriages don’t last long.

I want to call the attention of all parents or appeal to society. Who willingly spend vast amounts of money and time on the occasion, invest some of that time and money on pre-marital counseling, training, and coaching their children about marriage to increase happiness, sustenance of marriage and decrease the number of broken marriages.

We have to make great efforts in making our younger generation understand the reality of married life; we have to establish institutions where the youngsters can be educated about the consequences of married life. As parents and guardians, we have to educate the youngsters who are super excited about getting married and make sure their marriages last forever. We as a society have to come together to encourage and establish pre-marriage counseling and coaching centres in the various parts of our city. By doing this, we will have better and happier marriages resulting in forming a better society.