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Saudi Arabia’s Human Rights Commission

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One-Third of Govt Jobs for Women

Saudi Arabia’s Human Rights Commission (HRC) has said that one third of all government jobs in the country are set aside for Saudi women. The Justice Ministry and the Public Prosecution alone employed 4,495 women, Al-Madina Arabic newspaper said, quoting an HRC report. The report said all the government ministries and departments were making efforts to empower women, consolidate their rights and ensure their participation in the development process. It said as many as 220 Saudi women have joined the Ministry of Justice since it opened the door for them last year. The commission said women worked as social, shariah and legal researchers, administrative assistants and computer program developers. It said 418 Saudi women lawyers have obtained licenses to practice, adding that the number of licenses issued to women lawyers rose by 240 percent. The commission said as many as 3,140 women lawyers were currently under training to obtain accreditation. As many as 200 Saudi women work as lawyers in the Public Prosecution and about 300 work as administrators while 150 others are under training in various departments, it added.The commission said, within efforts to empower women, a number of colleges and departments were opened for them at various universities offering programs in media studies, politics, engineering, law, among others. It said the Ministry of Education has launched a number of initiatives to eradicate illiteracy among women in addition to introducing sports and cultural activities in schools and universities. The commission said a large number of Saudi women were currently doing higher studies in international universities.