HomeWoman's Voice

A Response on Feminism

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Question: “Amina Wadud led the first female-led Jumu’ah Prayer.
On that day, women took a huge step towards being more like men.
But, did we come closer to actualizing our God-given liberation?”


Answer by Yasmin Mogahed:

Well, answering your question, I can say that I don’t think so.

We so often forget that God has honored women by giving them value in relation to God not in relation to men. But as Western feminism erases God from the scene, there is no standard left but men.

As a result, the Western feminist is forced to find her value in relation to a man. And in so doing, she has accepted a faulty assumption. She has accepted that man is the standard, and thus a woman can never be a full human being until she becomes just like a man the standard.

When a man cut his hair short, she wanted to cut her hair short. When a man joined the army, she wanted to join the army, and so on. She wanted these things for no other reason than because the “standard” had it.

She didn’t recognize that God dignifies both men and women in their distinctiveness, not their sameness. And on March 18, Muslim women made the very same mistake.

For 1,400 years, there has been a consensus of scholars that men are to lead the Prayer. As a Muslim woman, why does this matter? The one who leads Prayer is not spiritually superior in any way.

Something is not better just because a man does it. And leading Prayer is not better just because it is leading.

Had it been the role of women, or had it been more divine, why wouldn’t the Prophet have asked Lady ` A’ishah or Lady Khadijah, or Lady Fatimah the most incredible women of all time to lead?

These women were promised heaven, and yet they never led Prayer.

But now, for the first time in 1,400 years, we look at a man leading Prayer and think, “that’s not fair.” We think so, although God has given no special privilege to the one who leads. The imam is no higher in the eyes of God than the one who prays behind him.

On the other hand, only a woman can be a mother. And the Creator has given special privilege to a mother. The Prophet taught us that heaven lies at the feet of mothers. But no matter what a man does, he can never be a mother. So why is that not unfair?

When asked who is most deserving of our kind treatment? The Prophet replied, “your mother” three times before saying “your father” only once. Isn’t that sexist? No matter what a man does, he will never be able to have the status of a mother.

And yet even when God honors us with something uniquely feminine, we are too busy trying to find our worth in reference to men, value it or even notice it. We, too, have accepted men as the standard, so anything uniquely feminine is, by definition, “inferior.”

Being sensitive is an insult; becoming a mother is a degradation. Rational reigns supreme in the battle between stoic rationality (considered masculine) and selfless compassion (considered feminine).

As soon as we accept that everything a man has and does is better, all that follows is just a knee-jerk reaction: if men have it, we want it too. If men pray in the front rows, we assume this is better, so we also want to pray in the front rows.

If men lead Prayer, we assume the imam is closer to God, so we want to lead Prayer too.

Somewhere along the line, we’ve accepted the notion that having a position of worldly leadership is some indication of one’s position with God.

A Muslim woman does not need to degrade herself in this way. She has God as a standard. She has God to give her value; she doesn’t need a man here.

In fact, in our crusade to follow men, we, as women, never even stopped to examine the possibility that what we have is better for us. In some cases, we even gave up what was higher only to be like men.

Fifty years ago, we saw men leaving home to work in factories. We were mothers. And yet, we saw men doing it, so we wanted to do it too. Somehow, we considered it women’s liberation to abandon the raising of another human being to work on a machine.

We accepted that working in a factory was superior to raising the foundation of society just because a man did it.

Then after working, we were expected to be superhuman the perfect mother, the perfect wife, the perfect homemaker, and have the perfect career. And while there is nothing wrong, by definition, with a woman having a career, we soon realized what we had sacrificed by blindly mimicking men.

We watched as our children became strangers and soon recognized the privilege we’d given up.

And so, only now given a choice women in the West are choosing to stay home to raise their children. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, only 31 percent of mothers with babies, and 18 percent of mothers with two or more children, are working full time.

And of those working mothers, a survey conducted by Parenting Magazine in 2000 found that 93 percent of them say they would rather be home with their kids but are compelled to work due to “financial obligations.”

These “obligations” are imposed on women by the gender sameness of the modern West and removed from women by the gender distinctiveness of Islam.

It took women in the West almost a century of experimentation to realize a privilege given to Muslim women 1,400 years ago. Given my privilege as a woman, I only degrade myself by trying to be something I’m not, and in all honesty, don’t want to be a man.

As women, we will never reach true liberation until we stop trying to mimic men and value the beauty in our own God given distinctiveness.

If given a choice between stoic justice and compassion, I choose compassion. And if given a choice between worldly leadership and heaven at my feet, I choose heaven.

I hope my words answer your question.